For the second year, the Ulster Board of Elections is inviting residents age 13-18 to help design an “I Voted” sticker that will be distributed to each polling location for the Ulster County general election on November 8, 2022.
During the 2021 elections, more than 50 “I Voted” art submissions were received and 30,000 student-designed “I Voted” stickers were distributed to voters in Ulster County.
Art submissions will be accepted from April 1 through June 1, 2022. Residents will then have an opportunity to vote for their favorite design this summer. Finally, on November 8, 2022, and during early voting, residents will again receive the contest winner’s sticker design. Commissioners Ashley Dittus and John Quigley see the value of collaborating with our youth to celebrate the voting process in our community. “Ulster County’s young people have important things to say and bring a wealth of talent to the table. We were overwhelmed by the quality of last year’s designs and look forward to growing this project in 2022.”
For more information and directions for submission, visit the Student Resources section of the Ulster County Board of Election’s website at, call (845) 334-5470 or email