The ‘‘Our towns’’ column is compiled each month by Carol Johnson of the Haviland-Heidgerd Historical Collection. The entries have been copied from the January issues of the New Paltz Independent. To get a closer look at these newspapers of the past, visit the staff of the Haviland-Heidgerd Historical Collection at the Elting Memorial Library at 93 Main Street in New Paltz, or call 255-5030.
Sixty-nine couples attended the New Year’s Dance at the Opera House on Monday night. Warner’s Orchestra furnished the music.
On January 1 the war tax on railroad tickets was removed. The fare from New Paltz to Kingston has been reduced from 58 cents to 54 cents.
It is estimated that in the vicinity of 20,000 young apple trees will come into bearing in the next five years in the Town of New Paltz. The Western States can grow corn but here in the Hudson Valley we can grow apples that cannot be beaten anywhere in the world. All that is lacking is a co-operative Association to advertise and arrange for the selling of the goods.
Ice harvesting has been in progress at Lake Mohonk. The Binnewater Lake Ice Company of Kingston began cutting ice on the Binnewaters on Monday morning. Ice 22 inches thick was gathered from the Patentee’s Pond [Moriello Park] for the creamery ice house last Tuesday. Van Pine has the contract to fill the creamery ice houses.
Not a few outlying communities around New Paltz are fortunate in having preaching services conducted by our local pastors. Besides his regular services in the Reformed Church, Mr. Clapp preaches every Sunday afternoon at Tillson and every other Sunday at Springtown. Mr. Byles preaches every Sunday afternoon at Lloyd and Mr. Hill conducts services every Sunday evening at Ohioville. Father Hopkins has two churches — here and at Gardiner. These services and the Sunday Schools conducted by laymen and laywomen are well attended and furnish the opportunity for all to obtain religious instruction.
Fire totally destroyed the barns on the farm formerly owned by Theodore Elliott at 12:30 a.m. on January 10. Three horses, eight cows and practically all farming implements were burned.
Orange County leads the state in the production of the tear-producing onion. The state onion crop of 1921 shows a decrease from 3,054,122 bushels in 1920 to 1,831,294 bushels in 1921. Orange County leads in the production of onions with an estimated total of 600,000 bushels, while Wayne County is second with 240,000 bushels and Madison County is third, with 220,000 bushels.
Assemblyman Leininger has introduced a bill in the legislature consenting to the erection of a new state to be known as the “State of Greater New York” and to include five counties of New York, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, Orange Ulster, Greene, Schoharie and Sullivan.
The manager of the Big and Little Brothers Basketball teams has gone to great expense to introduce basketball in New Paltz and he complains that the people are not patronizing the games the way they should. Mr. Donahue, the owner of the Riverside Casino, was kind enough to donate the use of the hall to the teams and Mr. Harrison, the basketball manager, is trying hard to put New Paltz on the basketball map. Friday night, January 27 the G.A.C. Basketball team from Newburgh will oppose the locals on the Riverside court. This team holds the Junior championship of Newburgh and a fast game is looked for.
The going-out-of-business of the S. Deyo & Son store on Main Street removes one of the oldest mercantile establishments from our village. The store property has been purchased by Harvey G. Gregory who will move his drug store good there in March. Mr. Solomon Deyo established the mercantile business in 1857 in the store building sold some years ago to George Schoonmaker. A new and modern brick building was erected in 1893 on the present site and the store goods moved into it. On March 8, 1899, Mr. Deyo sent out a circular letter informing his friends and patrons that on that day he had associated with him in business his son, Philip Deyo. The business has prospered since its establishment. The firm name of S. Deyo & Son has not been changed since that date. Mr. Solomon Deyo died in 1904 and since that time Philip Deyo has been the owner and manager. The store property is one of the most valuable in our village and always compared favorably with the large city stores.
During the past month, Ulster County has been the scene of great activity on the part of the Allied Citizens of America, an organization incorporated to uphold American ideals and the United States Constitution and whose members are covenanted to support the enforcement of the prohibition law. Branches of the organization have been completed in Saugerties, Lloyd, New Paltz, Esopus, Marbletown and Gardiner with the leading men and women acting as directors. At Rosendale and Hurley organizations will be completed within a short time. Mrs. Mary C. Brewer, Assistant Superintendent of Organization, who has been directing the formation of these groups of citizens declares that sentiment in Ulster County is strong for proper enforcement of the prohibition law and that the people are eager to support officials charged with the duties of enforcement.
The old Collingwood-Opera House, Po’keepsie now displays a sign bearing its new name, the Bardavon Theatre, in honor, no doubt of the bard of Avon, it being felt that the name “opera house” was a misfit.