Governor Kathy Hochul visited Saugerties on Saturday, October 30 to urge voters to go to the polls. The campaign rally was held under a large tent behind The Dutch restaurant at 253 Main Street. With a Democratic majority in the Ulster County Legislature in play and crucial propositions on the ballot, the Governor did not want to leave anything to chance. Hochul was joined by state Senator Michelle Hinchey, Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, county Comptroller March Gallagher, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, Town of Saugerties Supervisor Fred Costello, Kingston Mayor Steve Noble and county Sheriff Juan Figueroa. Leading up to Sunday’s last day of early voting, the get-out-the-vote rally was a clarion call to supporters that off-year elections are just as important as national contests.

About 50 protesters stood in front of The Dutch and along the sidewalk on Main Street. The protesters carried signs, banners and American flags and chanted their grievances about the governor’s pro-choice stand on abortion, her position on school mask mandates and COVID-19 vaccination mandates for health care workers.