Fullam replaces Sokolov on Gardiner Planning Board
Rebecca Fullam, who joined the Gardiner Planning Board as an alternate in 2019, was named a full member by the Town Board at its April 13 meeting. Fullam will take the place of longtime Planning Board member Ray Sokolov, who has retired from that position. Rob Boucher was appointed as the new alternate member.
The Town of Gardiner is still seeking candidates for a vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Committee. Interested applicants should send a résumé and cover letter to supervisor.tog@gmail.com or call (845) 255-9675, extension 101.
Register now for Gardiner summer rec
The Town Gardiner has revived its summer recreation program on a limited basis for 2021, running from July 5 through August 13, Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. According to town supervisor Marybeth Majestic, registration will be limited to “Gardiner residents only, to start,” with the possibility of opening up to non-residents, depending on the number who sign up. The official registration deadline is April 25, and application materials are available online at www.townofgardiner.org/summer-recreation. The fee for the season is $450 per child for Gardiner residents.
Due to the difficulty of observing social distancing guidelines on schoolbuses, the program this year will feature no County Pool outings or other field trips. “We’re ramping up the programming, five days a week at Majestic Park,” said the supervisor. Activities will include low- or no-contact sports, arts and crafts, group games and performing arts, all organized according to CDC-recommended health protocols to minimize possible transmission of COVID-19.
Gardiner kennel law hearing postponed to June
A public hearing on the Town of Gardiner’s proposed new local law regulating dog kennels and breeding facilities, originally planned to be held at a Town Board meeting in May, has been rescheduled to June. A review of the draft law by town attorney Allyson Phillips identified some details that were inconsistent with aspects of Gardiner’s zoning code, town supervisor Marybeth Majestic explained at the April 13 Town Board meeting. She noted “nonconforming uses” and the boundaries of districts as parts of the new law that the attorney recommended tweaking.
Councilman David Dukler, who has been shepherding the drafting of the new kennel law, will meet with Phillips to iron out the inconsistencies. “We should still be able to set the public hearing for June, in time for when the moratorium expires,” Majestic said. A six-month moratorium on the processing and approval of permits for kennels was adopted in February 2021.