The town of Olive will be holding a Zoom meeting on March 18 to discuss a proposal for an underground hydroelectric plant adjacent to the Ashokan Reservoir on March 18 at 6:30 p.m.
The link to join is: http://bit.ly/olivehydro.
“Please join this online Zoom meeting to learn more about the permit application now before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to build a large dam in the Catskill Mountains with a hydro plant located in the Town of Olive,” reads an announcement from the town. “We will be discussing the details of this application and how it could severely impact our community. In addition, we will discuss the FERC process and how you can officially respond with comment before the April 12 deadline.”
For more on the proposal, read our article, Underground hydroelectric plant proposal at Ashokan Reservoir raises concerns, or visit the town of Olive website.