Not every child needs free school meals, but during Covid-19, every child can help the Saugerties Central School District’s food service program by taking advantage of the free breakfasts and lunches that are currently being funded by the US Department of Agriculture. The more students who participate this year, the more support the district will receive to offset next year’s costs.
All children 18 years old or younger, regardless of income levels, are currently eligible for free school breakfast and lunch every day school is in session through June 30, 2021. This includes younger children who are not yet enrolled, children who are homeschooled and children who dropped out of school and are under the age of 18. The meals are available whether students are participating in person, remotely or via hybrid learning.
The Saugerties Central School District participates in the national school lunch program and the school breakfast program, which provides subsidies for each breakfast and lunch the district serves.
The district’s food services program does not receive taxpayer funding. The budget is self-sustaining and consists of revenues from the sale of foods, the reimbursements received for meals served and possible grant funding.
Covid-19 has had a severe negative financial impact on the school food service program. The financial loss incurred has now placed a burden on the school budget.
Next year’s support depends on the number of meals the district distributes this year. That means that every child who participates in the program this year is helping to support next year’s program.
To order a free meal (on Mondays), visit https://bit.ly/35Dfpiq. Meals can be picked up every Tuesday from 2:30 to 5:45 p.m. behind the Saugerties Junior/Senior High School at the cafeteria doors.
When students are learning 100 percent remotely, parents can pick up all five breakfasts and five lunches at once. For students who are in the buildings for hybrid learning, parents will pick up meals for the days their children are not on-site.
For additional information, call Sheila Melville at (845) 247-6651, extension 1770.