The roof over the main section of the village of Saugerties wastewater plant has a leak, and will need to be replaced, Councilman Donald Hackett said at the regular Village Board meeting on Monday, February 1.
The village has obtained three bids, and the low bidder was from Superior Roofing at $24,100. “It’s a flat roof. They’re going to take the old one off and put a new one on,” Hackett said.
“The highest bid was $30,000 more than the bid we accepted, so there was quite a discrepancy,” said Mayor Bill Murphy.
Hackett also reported that the sewer plant Superintendent Mike Marino has been meeting with the village’s grant writer, Mike Karashay, to seek grants for other work the plant will need. For instance, he said, the plant needs a valve replacement at a cost of $240,000.