Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan has announced an additional round of child-care funds to support school-aged, full-day programs in Ulster County. Project Resilience, with the assistance of United Way, allocated $72,000 in funding to the Center for Creative Education, The Boys & Girls Club and the YMCA, directly supporting scholarships to 218 youths throughout the winter. The scholarships include access to the internet and computers and support for remote learning.
“As a parent, I fully understand the burden that this pandemic has put on our families and youth,” Ryan said. “Having a safe place for our children to learn helps to protect the next generation of Ulster County residents while allowing their families to keep their careers on track. I am so grateful for the community’s support for Project Resilience so that we can continue to provide these much-needed services”
Project Resilience provided support for these programs in the fall and is continuing funding through the winter to support local youth and families impacted by the pandemic through an additional round of funding so that the Center for Creative Education, The Boys & Girls Club and the YMCA can continue to offer tuition assistance to families in need. Project Resilience is made possible through partnerships with the United Way and Community Foundations.
Donations are accepted through the United Way of Ulster County. For information on Project Resilience, please visit: https://covid19.ulstercountyny.gov/project-resilience/.