This week in Faces of Kingston, we talk to local resident Kelsey Bujak about her feelings regarding our city and her general life interests. Thank you Kelsey for being a good sport, divulging some fond memories, making some insightful points and plugging cool aspects of life here.
MYE: Hello Kelsey. How are you today? What is something exciting that is going on in your life at the moment?
KB: I’m great! Something exciting going on in my life right now is a change in my career path. I just started working in Wedding/Event sales as of last November and I truly feel like I finally found what I’m meant to be doing!
That is exciting and probably a lot of responsibility. Let’s go backwards in time a little bit. Did you grow up, go to school or were you born in Kingston or elsewhere? I mean, obviously you were born somewhere.
Born and raised in Kingston, baby! I went to Edson Elementary for kindergarten-fifth grade, Bailey Middle School for those prime awkward stages, and then graduated from Kingston High School. Going away for college really opened my eyes to how fortunate I was to grow up in this area; it’s so diverse and you get to experience so many different types of people and cultures and it’s sad to think how some people really don’t get to experience that until they enter the “real world”.
I agree. I also appreciate our mountains more now that I have seen a lot of the United States. What is your earliest memory of Kingston and do you think you had a good or bad impression? Hahaha. Did anyone ever accuse you of being a witch for having red hair?
My earliest memory that I can really remember is visiting Forsyth Park zoo and collecting peacock feathers that the birds would shed. Living in Uptown Kingston, my sisters and I often visited that park since we were walking distance and the majority of my childhood memories involve doing some sort of outside activity- either at the park or in our neighborhood.And as far as being called a witch, I can’t say I have…but never say never.
Yay, I love Forsyth. Glad you mentioned it. Can you elaborate for our readers more about what you do for a living? What do you like about it? You also work at a bar?
As I said before, I just entered the Wedding and Event Sales world and I must say I do love it. For the most part, it’s such a happy and exciting time for people; from weddings to sweet sixteens, it’s really fun to help make their special day happen.
I also bartend part time at The Corner Bar & Grill in Kingston! It’s such a nice environment, the owners are amazing people and it’s definitely an underrated bar in our area.
You told me before you were a little nervous and I reassured you this was a piece of cake and nothing to worry about. So, that said…what is the juiciest gossip on someone you don’t like that they would hate to read?
Just kidding! Real question is what do you love most about Kingston currently?
I love all the changes that are happening! Growing up here, it’s really interesting to see all the new businesses opening up as well as all of the tourism. Also, the food. I personally think we have the best restaurants and options for food- you can always find something to eat, regardless of any dietary restrictions and I love that.
Does it feel weird that it is 2020? I feel like we should have more spaceships and not just addictive phones!
It is so weird. Like, it’s 2020?! And being 20-something during this time is quite the experience.
What is something in the city that you think needs work or that maybe people ought to talk about more?
The first thing that came to mind was parking in uptown. It’s like the Hunger Games — especially at peak hours. That’s definitely something that needs some help.