This week for Faces of Kingston I had an enjoyable chat with jack-of-all-trades, proud parent and man about town Dan “Time” Wyld. A fixture of the local scene for many years serving drinks during various legendary eras of our fair little kind-hearted city, Dan is an awesome guy who has seen it all and been there for a lot of folks by either helping them stop crying in their beer or yelling at them to stop singing so badly to ’80s songs. In all seriousness, Wyld is a great dude and I am happy he spent some time with us this week kicking off the new year with a blend of cautious positivity and sly humor.
Morgan Y. Evans: What is your earliest memory of Kingston? Something burned into your retinas or maybe just a happy impression. [Laughs.]
Dan Wyld: Well, that’s got to be walking from Abeel Street to Snapper Magee’s to pick up the keys before working my first shift. I was young and didn’t know really anyone at all in the city so it was definitely an adventure in the works.
You have met a lot of people over the years here. What do you think is a common trait or two that a lot of area folks exhibit?
Creativity, for sure. Definitely a concentration of inspiration. The people just hit different here.
Where are you currently working? What have been some of your favorite jobs in Kingston over the years and do you have any funny memories you “can” share that are on the PG-13 side?
First and foremost my main job right now is my son Maximus Danger Wyld, he is the handful that was aptly named. However, I bartend wherever I’m asked; From events like live band karaoke and New Year’s Eve at BSP to covering a shift or two at the Anchor, helping Stone Ridge Orchard in Rosendale during apple-picking season to all the way up to Van Winkle’s Bar at Hunter Mountain now that it’s ski/snowboarding season.
As far as funny stories are concerned, if you know the people of Kingston at all just imagine a heavy pour and all of our personalities unleashed until the wee hours of the morning. It almost always ends the next day with the phrase, “Dannit!”
I saw a Facebook post of yours about how “getting old is weird” and I can relate but wondered what you enjoy about experiencing this thing they call “adulthood” in our community? What are some of your current hobbies?
I mean adulthood … it’s completely absurd. Your body betrays you at every turn and your priorities shift in ways that you never thought would ever happen to you. You realize how selfish one can be and also how ridiculous it is. Adulthood is definitely challenging here but probably because I’m still not very good at it, haha. So what do I enjoy about adulthood? It’s less hollow, has more substance. Sometimes we all get caught in ruts and gutters and I feel like adulting has lifted my head a bit.
I’m sort of a jack of hobbies in that I start a new one as quick as I drop one. The most consistent one is boardgaming. I love playing boardgames; Mansions of Madness, Catan, Carcassonne, Splendor, Terraforming Mars, Stuffed Fables … The list goes on and on! We have game nights and they often have to be done on days before everyone has off as I want to play until the sun comes up.
Very cool you are still doing that. What is something from years gone by in Kingston’s past that is no longer here that you miss?
Hmm, affordable rents? Stores open later than 10 p.m.? I dunno, Indian food? Yea, I miss Indian food. Locally at least. I’m trying to think of anything that’s really gone here … I guess since I’ve never left I have adapted to changes seamlessly however I’m willing to wager that as soon as this goes to print I’ll remember something and forehead slap, haha.
What are you most excited about for 2020 as this decade comes to an end?
Well I’m excited for April 10 as my boy begins the wonderful journey to his terrible twos, spoiler — he’s already begun. Honestly, 2019 was a dumpster fire all around everywhere so I’m hoping 2020 will bring the fire department. I like to stay optimistic without goading the coming year like I did in 2018. Oh wait, I look forward to not being as fat!
Do you have any advice for people who want to go into the bar or hospitality fields as far as how to deal with people who can maybe be annoying? [Laughs.]
Yeah, it’s not for everyone. You need an exceptional amount of patience, great sense of humor and the ability to tell people “no” in ways that they still like you. Getting your break requires being the person that place wants to work with and a bit of luck. Also, everyone is gonna be different and have a different style but the best advice I have for once you’re already in is, there’s a fine line between fun and fuckery so ride the waves of chaos well. As with anything, you really have to love what you do at your very core.