Avoid another fiasco
The Pike Plan is now part of the character and uniqueness of the Stockade District. Tourists and visitors now expect to see the covered walkways of the Pike Plan on Wall and North Front streets in Kingston. I am surprised that the mayor and aldermen are even considering tearing the Pike Plan down. If it were torn down, it would join the demolition of old Post Office on Broadway as another Kingston fiasco.
Ralph Mitchell
Keep the Pike Plan
It occurred to me today due to the wonderful weather we are having that if the Pike Plan was to be removed permanently the two Uptown blocks that share it would be a mess. Landlords would have to make sure that the sidewalks in front of their buildings would need to be cleared of snow and de-iced for the safety of everyone who uses these streets.
Odds of that happening on a timely and consistent basis are not exactly good as many people do not clear their sidewalk in front of their buildings. Some not at all. I know as I live and work in the Uptown area and have for the past 25 years. I wonder who becomes legally responsible should someone get hurt? This would be another reason why people will avoid coming to this area.
Sue Rogers