A new name to most Americans, the electro-pop songwriter Ozark Henry has sustained a successful major label European career for just over 20 years, though only in the last decade has the Belgium native tested our shores with a trio of suave and mature pop records. Henry’s career was christened by some effusive praise from David Bowie, an icon known to be always on the lookout for the hip and new. Bowie declared Henry’s debut album a personal favorite, and since then Henry has been conducting pop affairs at a high level.
Henry also shares Bowie’s penchant for change and unpredictability, producing some outre experimental electronica as well as a symphonic pop album recorded with the National Orchestra of Belgium. That record, 2015’s Paramount, is a lovely set of ballads (with Bowie and Bjork covers) as well as an experiment in immersive 3D audio. Henry’s interest in forward-looking recording audio techniques and tools scored him a TEDx talk and broad recognition as cutting edge technologist.
When Ozark Henry takes over the big back room at BSP in Kingston on Saturday, November 11, high-tech will be very much part of the story. During this performance, Ozark will be presenting “Map to the Stars,” an exploration using live 3D audio sound to create an immersive experience for concert-goers. He will incorporate technology developed by Paul Geluso, an engineer, composer, and educator, who is currently on faculty at NYU researching 3D audio technology
Ozark Henry performs in the back room at BSP on Saturday, November 11 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 on the day of the show. For tickets and additional information, see www.baspkingston.com. BSP is located at 323 Wall Street in Kingston.