Taking its cue from the popular television show America’s Most Wanted, the Saugerties police department will present Saugerties Most Wanted, which will ask the public for help in apprehending individuals wanted for allegedly committing local crimes. The program will be included as part of police chief Joe Sinagra’s popular channel 23 show, From the Chief’s Desk.
The first showing of Saugerties Most Wanted will premier on July 3, according to Sinagra.
Police officer Jorge Castagnola will do the voice-over for the segment, Sinagra added.
“We have 120 open warrants for the arrest of individuals who have allegedly committed an assortment of crimes,” Sinagra said. “There are bench warrants issued by the courts for individuals who might not have completed community service, paid their fines or skipped court dates.”
It was all part of the community police program designed “to get the community involved,” the police chief added.
Residents who might know where some of the wanted individuals are located should call the police at 246-9800. All calls will be kept confidential.
“We’re hoping people will be able to provide the information we need to help track these individuals down,” Sinagra said.
“We don’t want anyone to approach these individuals and try to arrest them,” the chief cautioned. “Just give us a call, and we’ll take it from there.”