New owner Kevin Hinchey continues to follow through on his pledge to put energy and money into the collegiate-level Saugerties Stallions baseball team which had little of either in its debut season last year.
On Dec. 14 the team and the town of Saugerites held a ground-breaking for a seating area with 124 seats at the main baseball field at Cantine Memorial Complex, paid for by the team. Hinchey stated “I am extremely pleased Bruce Utter of Praetorius and Conrad, Albert Riozzi Masonry and Construction, and Irwin Seating Company have signed on to be such integral pieces to this project. Bruce has designed the space. Aland his crew will construct the 50-foot walls with the 20-foot returns with a brick face front as well as the seat base, and Irwin Seating Company will put the 124 seats into place.” Irwin is the same seating company that designed and placed the seating in Yankee Stadium as well as other stadiums nation-wide. The newly designed portion of the complex will have a private entrance to the VIP seating section for all events held at Cantine Field. College and Major League Baseball scouts will have access to this area to accurately assess players.
The previous week, the team received a check for $10,000 from Dan and Breanne Dwyer, owners of Dwyer Contracting, making them the team’s first “grand slam” sponsor. Breanne Dwyer stated that she and her husband are excited to witness first-hand the Stallions’ experience. “People understand the direction we are going, along with the energy behind it, and the people behind it,” said Hinchey. “We are going to provide good, quality baseball to this town and the surrounding areas.”