If they were still in their graves, zombies would be rolling over, confused by the kerfuffle caused by Saugerties’ popular annual event.
Here’s the situation as it stands at presstime: There will be a Zombie Crawl in the village on Saturday, October 18 from 6 to 10 p.m. (A Zombie Crawl is an event in which people dress up like zombies and walk around a circumscribed area.) Admission will cost $5 that night, $3 in advance. Partition Street will not be closed to vehicular traffic, because of complaints of lost business from some local merchants; Main Street might be, if the state grants a permit by the end of this week. After a sit-down with village officials, organizers agreed to pay for extra police presence, ambulance and insurance – hence the admission price.
While previous events included coordination with businesses regarding themed activities, live outdoor music and costume contests, at this point the event promotions make no mention of anything similar planned for this year.
Updates and additional info (including presale tickets) can be found on the event’s Facebook page. Type Saugerties Zombie Crawl 2014 in the search box.