“When I began to have a mad, passionate affair with my own life, the rest fell perfectly into place.”
– Katrina Mayer
I thought that a candid list of New Year’s resolutions would be fun to read, inspiring and give us a personal glimpse into how some Hudson Valley VIPs (Very Interesting People) do things. Thank you to all who contributed to this edition! Enjoy!
Hudson Valley resolution-aries
“I don’t usually make resolutions, but I do set intentions for the coming year. A few things seem to always make the list: Get more rest; keep an estimable work schedule; lose weight; swim harder; let go of sugar…But in the coming year, I really want to be more focused and spiritually fit so I can be more effective – so I can contribute more, be a more inspiring instructor, a better painter and a more attentive partner and friend.”
– Kate McGloughlin, artist, www.katemcgloughlin.com
“I was speaking to my husband the other day about the New Year’s resolution thing, and I’ve decided that we should ‘embrace’ each other’s hobbies for 2014! He does triathlon, but I’m definitely not going there (he knows I hate to bike ride), so I’m going to take up running, and he will, in turn, take up reading! I’m hoping he will make an appearance at one of my book club meetings this year, and I will join him in a 5K run.”
– Teresa Thompson, Main Street Bistro, www.mainstreetbistro.com
“Make more time for play; reach out to friends; dance more often; start my garden earlier.”
– Ann Citron, Rosendale Theatre, https://rosendaletheatre.org
“Read more books: I read a large number of articles from newspapers, magazines and blogs, but very rarely take the time to immerse myself in a book. There’s something to be said for losing oneself in a novel.
Go to sleep earlier: I have a tendency to push myself at night. More sleep is crucial to the human body and mind. I need to set a lights-out time and stick to it.
Exercise: A strong body is incredibly important at any age, but even more so as one becomes older. Also, with age our metabolism begins to slow down. I have to schedule exercise as an appointment at the beginning of the day and keep it.
Eat properly: I would still rather eat a cookie more than anything else. I am old enough to know better and therefore I must eat better.
Be present in the moment: My mind is constantly racing with things I have to do. I am often not living in the moment because I’m focused on the future. I have to stop, breathe and enjoy the present; it is, after all, a gift, and the only time we truly possess.”
– Jillian Fisher, Jillian Fisher Public Relations, https://jillianfisher.com
“Definitely to exercise more in order to keep my head clear; to relax and have more quiet time and not overschedule myself; to spend more time in my yard/garden.”
– Theresa Fall, Jar’d, www.jardwinepub.com
“Slow down. Be more conscious. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Do new things. Get more sleep.”
– Chris Silva, Bardavon 1869 Opera House, www.bardavon.org
“I don’t usually think about having New Year’s resolutions and don’t even consider myself a mover and shaker. If others consider me such, then my hope is that young people, and older people too, become movers and shakers. When you have people and things that you care for dearly, you will do interesting things and interact with others who are also doing interesting things, thereby becoming a mover and shaker. I am really passionate about hiking, cross-country skiing and rock climbing, so I try to share my love of these pursuits with people who come into the outdoor shop in which I work. Because of these feelings for the mountains, I am very supportive of the beautiful Mohonk Preserve, where my family and many of my friends enjoy these exhilarating activities. My wish for the New Year is to have it filled with adventure and discovery for all.”
– Rich Gottlieb, Rock and Snow, www.rockandsnow.com