What is the truth?
In my years on this earth, especially in recent years, I have been drowned in advertising, personal opinions, half-truths, outright lies, personal media attacks without justification, conned, extorted, read and heard intentionally confusion-based statements, etc., such that it is almost impossible to know what the truth is. As we are now involved in the information age, with Facebook, Twitter and online links, as examples, it is getting more and more difficult to weed out the truth. An example of one such negative is online bullying. Online bullying is not necessarily what you have recently read about where teenagers denigrate others; but adults in all walks of life who also bully. An example are some politicians at all levels of government, who do likewise without regard to the damage that is done, to not only the person it is directed at, but by those people who don’t discriminate at all, and accept it as truth. It can be viewed as no different than the old term “brainwashing” that was coined decades ago.
My, oh my… what to do? I have taken the defense, in part, of age-old sayings. They survived the years because they are basic fundamental truths. All the negatives I mentioned above cannot pierce those barriers of truth. Some examples of those truths are:
Your health should come first, otherwise you are no good to yourself or others; Eat to live not live to eat; It is not what you say but how you say it; There ain’t no free lunch…ever; It is not as it seems; Economy is the wealth of the poor and the wisdom of the rich; Birds of a feather flock together; Old habits die hard; All for one, one for all.
So how do you apply this “old wisdom” to determine who to vote for in the campaign season we are in now?
I sometimes look for a person who is sincere and has survived many campaigns over time (like the sayings) because they speak the truth, whether it is in concert with their political party or not. That takes guts, because it can lead to their party abandoning them and losing an election. That proves the person is not a rubber stamper (brainwashed) and is trying to do what is right for their constituents, regardless of what the personal consequences might be. New candidates can be good that way also, but with time many resort to the negative tactics by association with “birds of a feather flock together.” So what candidate(s) is like “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” (the bird in the book with the same title who did not stay with the flock and was rewarded by nature)?
One such person is Bob Aiello, county legislator. District 2. Yes, he has experienced the bad things above, but kept his head down and continued forward with the agenda that he believes in. For example, he has experienced the first saying above and does his best to reach out to people about the dangers of Lyme disease, radio frequency dangers in our environment, health matters in general, and other practical issues like economic development.
So please don’t deal with the confusion of all the negative stuff you read and hear about and end up blindly casting your vote based on political party. Discriminate and think before you pull that lever or “you will get what you asked for.”
Anthony Nardo
Aiello’s attendance record distorted by opponent
During any political season, there is too much turmoil, bitterness and disgust filling the air. As a result, many responsible citizens tune out and become complacent and don’t really search for the right answers to problems they may have with issues or candidates. Then they become prone to let their emotions rule their common sense and accept the statement and words of the vocal few or those with a political agenda. This also gives many of our leaders and their opponents an opportunity to give the public spin, half-truths, distortions and outright lies. Civility is compromised because it also plays on one’s emotions.
During the past few weeks, I have been under attack by my opponent Chris Allen, for the District 2 Legislative seat. Allen continues to tell people as he goes knocking on doors about my attendance record for last year and the year before. Allen needs to get his facts straight before making false statements and outright lies to a public that knows better. I just got off the phone with a gentleman who was victim to this distortion of the truth. Before taking Allen’s comments to heart he first called the legislative clerk to check my attendance record for the last two years. He then took the time to call me and it was confirmed that I did not have the absences Chris Allen is telling people during his endless campaign to distort my character and performance. Chris Allen is wrong. My attendance was nearly perfect and in addition to regular meetings I attended meetings involving a Lyme Disease Committee I created. The committee met every Thursday from 1-3 p.m. for nearly seven months.
For anyone interested in my or anyone else’s attendance record, do what today’s caller did and call Victoria Fabella, legislature clerk, at 340-3666 or me. And for Chris Allen, stop the finger pointing and let me get on with my job for the betterment of the community.
Robert Aiello
Legislator, District 2
Aiello listens
I am very pleased to learn that Bob Aiello is again running for reelection for the Ulster County Legislature. I’ve known Bob for many years and am very appreciative of his service to Saugerties. Bob is very approachable. If you have concerns he listens. He is an independent thinker and is willing to share with you his insights on those issues that affect our community. I hope that you can join me in supporting and voting for Bob Aiello on Election Day.
James Harris Sr.
Aiello: A caring advocate for the community
I am writing this letter to support the re election of Bob Aiello (District 2 Saugerties). I have been Bob’s neighbor since 1978. Not only has Bob been a great neighbor, but he has been a great asset to Saugerties and Ulster County. His political career has been well established for the past 17 years. He works hard for what he believes in and cares about the concerns of the people. In 2005 my family and I almost lost our lives in a house fire. Bob was there for us helping in many ways with his concerns and support through an extremely difficult time. My two daughters were badly burned and we spent over a year in Boston at The Shriners Hospital for Burned Children, where they received life-saving medical care. Through several phone calls, Bob spoke on my behalf to the community, keeping the media up to date on their progress at my request. Saugerties, being the wonderful town that it is, was concerned to know the status of our plight. He helped to orchestrate much needed assistance for us.
Bob is also an advocate for those who suffer from Lyme disease. In June of 2013 Resolution number 159 was passed onto the Senate in support of New York State Legislation A05174/S03478, which requires Health Insurance Companies to provide coverage for long term medical care for Lyme disease and other related tick-borne pathogens, and to establish educational measures including a tick-borne research, detection and research fund. The Health and Personal Committee with Bob Aiello as chairman and members of the Ulster County legislators adopted the vote 20 – 0 in favor.
Recently there has been a concern regarding “smart meters.” There are questions about the ill health affects they may have and impact in terms of radiation exposure. Is there a concern that the meters may cause cancer or other health problems? What is radio-frequency energy and how does it affect the body? How is radio frequency energy exposure measured in epidemiological studies? What has research shown about possible cancer-causing effects of this type of energy? Here was a can of worms to open with my questions to Bob one day. He did not hesitate to listen to what I confided in him. He being a cancer survivor had his concerns also. He didn’t turn away from wanting to learn more or understand the circumstances surrounding my inquiry. My experience with Bob has always been that he would try to help answer these difficult questions. I’m sure he has taken the same time and consideration with many others in the community. I don’t know about you, but I want someone who listens to people in my corner of the world. He’s not afraid to address concerning issues that come to him from anyone. Please support Bob Aiello in this election.
Doreen Peone