Bring back Helsmoortel
We have always been impressed by Greg Helsmoortel’s ability to solve problems while staying calm and focused. We’d like to express our long overdue appreciation to him for the manner in which he governed our town for many years. It is clear to us, as it is to so many others, that Saugerties needs him back. Please join us in voting for Greg on Nov. 5 and giving him the overwhelming vote of confidence he has earned.
Renate Belville and Allen Fischer
Myers distorts, blames others
Last week I wrote about the Saugerties Republican Party and their negative or downright untrue statements in their letters to the editor and advertisements in our local newspapers.
Since then all the Republican candidates running for office on Nov. 5 have categorically denied having anything to do with the ads. They blame Joe Roberti Jr. the chairman of the Saugerties Republican Party.
What they don’t seem to understand is that the ads represent them not Joe Roberti. “Oh I didn’t have anything to do with those ads” isn’t good enough. The people running for office represent the Republican Party not Joe Roberti. If they can’t take charge of their own campaigns and the people who represent them how are they going to perform in office if elected? Can they be trusted to represent us and not just do the bidding of Joe Roberti? I don’t think so.
Then a Facebook posting is sent out by Kelly Myers stating that “Beth Murphy (candidate for Ulster County Legislature), filmed the town board and pre-board meeting…and is refusing to turn the pre-board recording for public viewing on TV23.”
I am a member of TV23’s board and can tell you that the pre-board meetings have never been filmed. Ms. Murphy has been recording the Town Board meetings as a volunteer for the last couple of years and has never filmed the pre-board meeting and Kelly knows this. Then Kelly ads to her post that “this is the 3rd time she has withheld Town Board meeting tapes.” Another blatant lie!
Since Kelly took office two years ago she has lied and blamed others for her shortcomings so many times that I have lost count. “I believe in open government,” she writes in her post. That’s a laugh! Just look at her record of not working with her own Town Board and you can see how open her government is. This proposed tax cut she is talking about in her post has so many blatant mistakes and missteps that it is laughable.
The real reason for all this nonsense is that Kelly is afraid she won’t be re-elected and is trying to show the people of Saugerties how wonderful she is by giving us a tax cut. Joe Roberti has taught her well!
If you really want to know who Kelly Myers is ask her neighbors. You will get an earful.
Barry Kerr
Read letter: Sup. accuses volunteer of withholding video of meeting (previously posted)
Helsmoortel responsible for town’s growth
To all Saugerties residents, please don’t take a back seat this year and assume the winner without voting! We have seen the growth this beautiful town has risen to, and it’s because the leadership was outstanding. People who know him can agree with me and that is Greg Helsmoortel is the hardest working, most dedicated man we can have in office. We need him and his team to continue making our town the best it can be. Sometimes people’s mindset can be swayed with the trash letters that are written during campaign season, but no one sees or hears from them after all is said and done. No amount of negative spin can diminish Greg’s accomplishments. Let’s vote Nov. 5th to bring him back to the supervisor’s office. Thank you!
Kathie Fitzpatrick
Read letter: People first, not government (previously posted)
Schirmer is a fresh voice
When I went to work for Bill Schirmer at Glasco Abstract, Inc. in 2007, I had known of Bill for quite some time. The past six years have presented me the opportunity to see the person that Bill really is and why he has my full support for Saugerties Town Board on Nov. 5.
A family man and lifelong resident of Saugerties, Bill embodies genuine integrity derived from being honest and having solid values, ethical behavior, and a stand-up character. He is a well respected businessman who runs his company with that integrity, commitment and hard work. Bill will draw on this background to move Saugerties in the right direction by bringing new eyes to the tasks at hand and he will not be afraid to challenge the status quo.
I feel Saugerties needs a fresh voice. I made a good decision to work for Bill Schirmer. Now, I believe Saugerties should let Bill Schirmer work for them.
Please show your support on Nov. 5 by voting Bill Schirmer for Town Board.
Pattie (Cafaldo) Lutfring
Multiple choice
What is your number one concern about your life in Saugerties. Is it:
A. We missed out on buying the Carousel!
B. The new water meters are going to toast our brains!
C. Are we going to get that 8.5-mile trail between two parks only 1.5 miles apart?
D. We should have bought Opus 40!
E. Property taxes are eating me out of house and home!
F. Why is it so hard to find a decent paying job close to home in Saugerties?
If you picked E or F, you need to vote Bill Schirmer for Town Board on Nov. 5. Bill is a successful local businessman. Bill understands our economic future depends attracting new small business and expanding existing small business. Factories in the economic zones are nice but true growth and stability come from small business. To attract new and expand existing business, Saugerties must have a reasonable tax rate. Our Town Board needs to be experienced in managing a successful business and strong enough to make the hard decisions. Bill Schirmer is that person.
As the Saugerties Legislative District One electorate, we made a wise decision two years ago when we elected Mary Wawro. Mary has not disappointed us. Mary has done us proud. Mary’s dedication and intelligence and hard work has gained her the respect of all her peers. In an era when many public officials (think congress and senate) are lackluster at best, we need to keep all the quality public servants we can find. We need to reelect Mary Wawro. Vote Nov. 5.
Dan Ellsworth