I would like to invite everyone who smokes to make 2013 the year you save your life by becoming smoke free. You are more likely to be successful if you prepare for this life change with these tips. First, make a plan — decide when you’ll quit and what you’ll need to help you with your quit attempt. Consider speaking to your provider about using medication to help you get through the cravings. Get yourself and your surroundings ready by getting rid of your cigarettes and ashtrays. Beware of the triggers that remind you of smoking. Once you recognize them, you can be ready, and can change your behavior by doing something else, something that is healthier. Let your family and friends know you are trying to quit smoking, ask them to be part of your support system. Also, for additional support and assistance, call the New York State Smokers’ Quitline at 866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487). They are there to help you be successful. I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year to everyone!
Theresa Miller, Tri-County Cessation Center
Lake Katrine
Based upon what has happened here over the last two years, I think we should change the name of this Town to Nike. Although what has happened adds credence to the expression “it is much easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”
Howard Harris
LEED In Woodstock
Thanks for the informative article on Rob Saffer’s house.
Just to clarify, the database on the LEED/USGBC website indicates that Rob’s house is the first LEED-H house in the town of Woodstock, not in the local ‘area.’ That is an important clarification for all of the local/regional professionals who have been working hard to advance LEED and high performance building technologies in general over the last decade. There are other projects in Woodstock registered with LEED, which means they are pending certification once they are completed and paperwork/checklists are assembled and reviewed.
Barry Price, AIA, LEED AP
$1 Million More For Electricity
The contract for solar energy requires Woodstock to purchase all electricity produced by the proposed solar array at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). In the first year of operation, Woodstock will pay 9.5 cents per kWh for an estimated 954,585 kWh produced by the array, a total of $90,686.
The WWTP will use about 217,480 of the 954,585 kWh, leaving a surplus of 737,105 kWh to be sold back to Central Hudson at a price of about 8.0 cents per kWh for a credit of $58,968. The difference, $31,717, is the WWTF’s cost for solar electricity. WWTF’s Central Hudson bill is $22,636, and that difference, $9,081, or about 40 percent, is the additional cost incurred by using solar power.
Over the 20-year term of the solar contract, the total additional cost of solar could approach one million dollars. The additional cost could be less, and it certainly will not exceed one million. David Gross, Chair of the Environmental Commission and speaking for the Environmental Commission, said these additional costs are justified by reductions in the use of fossil fuels and to meet the requirements of Woodstock’s Carbon Neutral Initiative.
The Town Board is now struggling with the question of committing up to a million dollars of extra expense for electricity over a 20 year term to comply with Woodstock’s Carbon Neutral Initiative.
Ken Panza
Food Pantry Volunteers
Thank you for making the Good Neighbor Food Pantry of Woodstock so successful. We are considered to be one of the best food pantries in the area. Pat yourself on the back for this. All the times you gave 110 percent of your time and effort to our mission to feed the people has been recognized. Congratulations!
Remember that each and every person is an important part of the pantry. Your personality, ability, and opinion is needed and appreciated. Pantries are places where different talents, backgrounds, skills, personalities are necessary to the success of the whole. As the new year begins, smile and take a deep breath. As you have been caring for our many shoppers, take care of yourself and your fellow volunteers. Thank and encourage each other often. Leave the negativity and criticism outside the door.
And…brace yourself for a busy year. 2013 promises much for our little pantry. Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Party For Marietta
A bunch of us Phoenicians held a holiday party at Morne Imports, in honor of the peerless Marietta, who has been regaling generations of hunters, trappers, fisherfolk, newspaper readers, bus riders (her store is also the bus stop) and boot shoppers with her insult humor and secret kindness. Thanks to Margaret, Richard, Susie, Chip, and all the other twinkling elves who made this party possible. (I was Santa!) Marietta, we love you!