Though Halloween has origins that stretch back through centuries, for many it’s difficult to imagine the holiday without the sheer collective joy of experiencing a theater full of devotees for a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. On Friday, October 26, jump into Halloween early at the Rosendale Theatre for a showing of the camp classic, guaranteed to inspire plenty of singing and (over)acting from the audience.
Midnight movie screenings of Rocky Horror have been happening for more than three decades, and while the film will start earlier in Rosendale, it will feature ShadowCasts, acting out scenes and encouraging participation from everyone in the place. If that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry: After the doors open, there will be instructions for first-timers on how to get the most out of the interactive experience. A costume contest with prizes is also in the cards. Prop bags will be sold before the show, but management asks that no one throw anything at the screen.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show will screen at the Rosendale Theatre on Friday, October 26. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., with the R-rated film rolling shortly thereafter. Tickets cost $10, or $8 for those in costume, and the box office will open the night of the screening at 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit