20th anniversary golf tourney success
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I wish to give thanks, along with my sincere appreciation to all the sponsors, volunteers and players who made the SAA’s 20th annual Sawyer Motors / Sawyer Chevy Golf Gala and Tournament an overwhelming success. Many of you have carried on the same tradition of support, year after year, for the past 20 years.
It is hard to believe 20 years have come and gone since the time Ernie Fick, Ray Smith Sr. and I were “scheming” (as Erica Guerin puts it) under the old apple tree, now long gone, off of the second green at Rip Van Winkle CC. I never imagined our “scheming” would have resulted in one of the most popular and prestigious golf tournaments, nor would I have ever imagined the tournament being a sellout for twenty consecutive years.
None of this would have been possible if it were not for Ernie and Ray Sr. Ernie, proprietor of Eveready Beverage, offered to sponsor the tourney and underwrite most of the expenses. Ray was overly generous to the SAA with minimal costs and sizeable donations.
As the years went on, times changed, faces changed and along came Greg and Thomasine Helsmoortel who either co-sponsored or sponsored the event. Pat, Christine and Ray Smith Jr. continued to show generosity and support.
Today, as has been the case for many previous years, it is Bob and Larry Siracusano, of Sawyer Motors and Sawyer Chevy and, from Rip Van Winkle, John and Sara Smith.
Yes, times have changed, faces have changed, however, the unprecedented generosity and support starting with Ernie, then Greg and Thomasine, Bob and Larry, along with the entire Smith Family for 20 years has never, if anything it has grown, all for the benefit of the SAA, the youth and community we serve. I can never begin to extend the amount of thanks and appreciation equal to your support and generosity.
Additionally, the combined hundreds of businesses, organizations and individuals who have taken various levels of sponsorship each year, along with those who have donated and contributed prizes, gifts, etc. and the hundreds of players, some, who have participated since year one. Thank you for your overwhelming support and generosity.
To the 20th Anniversary Golf Gala and Tournament Committee, one word can easily sum it up, “Wow!”, what a tremendous job you all did, along with your superb display of dedication and tireless efforts. It was a team effort and all of you hit a grand slam!
Before closing, I must give special thanks to several who have gone above and beyond over the years, along with giving of their valuable time and dedicated efforts. Joe Tiano and Gardi VanValkenberg (former Eveready Beverage), George Sisco (Sawyer Motors) and Ken Wamsley (Dutchess Beer). Further, Ernie’s two daughters, Erica and Christine (Ernie’s Girls), who have carried on the Ernie tradition of generosity and support to the SAA. Additionally, the many, many volunteers who have worked the event, some since the beginning. Last, however, certainly not least, committee member Alice Kirlauski, who spearheaded many components of the event, including the spectacular 20th anniversary program journal.
To all of you, your tireless efforts, dedication, support and generosity has been unprecedented, I could never have done it without you. Thanks to all of you, it has been most enjoyable and rewarding to have been involved with such a great group of people, such a great event.
What a great 20 years, what great times, what great memories……times and memories I will never forget…people I will never forget.
I wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season, along with hopes you are able to enjoy the season to its fullest with family and friends. Thank you all, again, and all the best to the best!
Greg Chorvas
Chairman, SAA Golf Tournament
Thanks Bernie
On behalf of myself and the staffs of the Town of Saugerties Transfer Station and the Saugerties Animal Shelter, I wish to publicly thank Saugerties highway superintendent Bernie Ellsworth for his years of service to the town and its residents.
I cannot put into words the gratitude we feel for the immense help his department has been to us this year and previous years in providing materials, manpower, and encouragement in order for us to make improvements at both the Transfer Station and Animal Shelter.
He has provided us with sand to use on our roadway during icy weather, stone to use as fill for various low spots on the property, blacktop repairs, roofing repairs both to the pole barn and the canopy over the roll-offs and lately, the Highway Department, under the supervision of Roger Winchell, provided us with material and manpower to construct a pad to put the junked refrigerators and air conditioners on to get them off the main roadway. What an improvement this has made to the appearance of the Transfer Station.
These are only a few of the projects Mr Ellsworth helped us with over the years. Mr Ellsworth is a good example of what can be accomplished when there is interdepartmental cooperation.
I send to Bernie Ellsworth my personal thank you for his assistance and my appreciation of his friendship.
I will miss his cheerful voice when answering my calls for help.
I wish for Bernie peace, good health and prosperity.
Marie Post
Saugerties Transfer Station
and Animal Control manager
Thanks from Thornton
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday this week, I would like to personally thank my family for their patience and the Saugerties community of voters for their confidence in re-electing me to the Town Board. It has been a privilege to work with Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel and as a Board we will continue to do good work for this community in a nonpartisan manner. I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with so many residents on the many town committee working groups. I am grateful for the knowledge, time, enthusiasm, energy and humor that you bring to the discussion of town issues and look forward to working with you again as we begin a new term. I will continue to work diligently for this community and wish every Saugerties resident a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends.
Leeanne Thornton
Thanks from Geick-Wawro
Many thanks to all those who voted for me in the primary and general elections this year and all the friends, family, and neighbors who supported me in my successful campaign for Ulster County legislature District 1. Campaigns simply don’t happen without money, volunteers, communication, and finally, getting the vote out.
Without the enthusiasm and dedication of my team and the support of my colleagues, I couldn’t have done this alone. Thank you again.
After talking with many of you over the last few months, I have become aware of your concerns. I will do whatever is within my power to enhance the services, infrastructure and historic and cultural heritage that help to make Saugerties and Ulster County such wonderful places to live. We have some work to do.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or comments to mary_wawro@yahoo.com.
Mary Geick-Wawro