Artist studio tour success
The 9th Annual Saugerties Artists’ Studio Tour, August 13 and 14 was a huge success. Attendance and spirits were high surpassing all previous tours. We, the artists who proudly call Saugerties home, have much to be grateful for. This showcase event is evidence of what can be achieved when artists, with support from the community, local government, businesses and the press can achieve.
On behalf of myself and all the artists who participated in the 2011 Artists Studio Tour would like to thank: Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel for his steadfast support, the Town Board members, Kiwanis Club of Saugerties, Saugerties Area Chamber of Commerce, Will Dendis and The Saugerties Times, Julie O’Connor of The Almanac, The Saugerties Post Star, The Daily Freeman “Preview”, Doug Short and Cable TV Channel YNN, WKZE Radio, Polly M. Law – Webmistress, Art Along The Hudson, WAMC Public Radio, Lighthouse TV23, Marge Block of The Saugerties Historical Society, Ulster County Tourism and The Dutchess County Arts Council. Also, our tour map advertisers and Saugerties village businesses that graciously allowed us to show our work in their windows and their help to distribute tour maps. Special thanks to: Tad and Pat Richards of Opus 40 for hosting a fabulous Gallery Show and Artists’ Reception, and our families, friends and supporters, who are too numerous to mention. We couldn’t have done it without your help.
Barbara Bravo
Tour Coordinator
Saugerties Artists Studio Tour
Farewell, Syd M.
Oh no, Syd, don’t go… don’t they get the same movies out there in Michigan? Couldn’t you do the reviews from there?
OK, moving on is good, so I wish you sincere congratulations and and good luck. If you teach as well as you write reviews you’ll be working with a lot of very lucky kids. But you will be sorely missed; for 50 years I’ve been reading all those New York critics (including the Times, The New Yorker, New York Magazine, and others) and for consistency of intelligence, insight, taste and humor I would rely on your opinion any time. You successors will have big 3-D glasses to fill. Good luck.
Tony Marshall
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