The Night Sky: The Crab Behind the Sun
Neutron stars don’t get much attention these days. They’re not as notorious as black holes, despite warping space and time ...
Neutron stars don’t get much attention these days. They’re not as notorious as black holes, despite warping space and time ...
The universe has two dozen "physical constants" like the force of gravity that are just right to allow for the ...
This coming Tuesday, the 14th, Neptune reaches its closest approach to us for the year. It’s an enormous blue ball ...
Researchers recently found the farthest-ever galaxy, a Hubble smudge at a distance of around 13 billion light years.
Coastal civilizations forever noticed that the ocean’s rhythmic rise and fall mostly followed the Moon’s position. But how could this ...
August is when the sky transitions from its least number of faint stars (in the spring) to its greatest number, ...
One planet never disappoints. Through any telescope with more than 30x, Saturn elicits gasps. Oddly enough, photos of the ringed ...
You simply can’t travel far enough to escape Earth’s gravity.
What’s the most romantic gift for your sweetheart? A book of poetry? A candlelight dinner? Excellent choices — but as ...
Extremely high Hudson River tides start this Sunday and peak Tuesday, April 27. That’s because Monday’s Full Moon happens just ...
It’s the most frequently asked question in amateur astronomy. Here, an astronomer offers some guidance.
If you know any skeptics regarding carbon dioxide, or who are not freaked by the earth’s still-new milestone of hitting ...
It’s the best comet since Hale-Bopp graced our skies in 1996. And it’s easy to find. From any location with ...
Click-bait articles try to get readers excited about non-events like lunar eclipse and unremarkable meteor showers. Don’t be fooled.
We are all finding new ways to have fun at home. Naturally and predictably, I’m recommending you step into your ...
In the “current affairs” department, no other topic could be explored on this page right now. You wouldn’t think “germs” ...
There are two foolproof ways to ascertain Earth’s true shape without needing to trust photos or any astronaut.
Media outlets such as Earth and Sky are saying that we are entering a “SuperMoon season,” with three SuperMoons in ...
In 1935, Albert Einstein and two colleagues, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, wrote a now-famous paper in which they addressed ...
Mercury alters its brightness more than any other planet, varying by three hundredfold. Each year its light goes from fainter ...
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