Erica’s Cancer Journey: “Queen of hearts”
I always thought a breaking heart was a bad or sad thing. But my heart has been broken open by ...
I always thought a breaking heart was a bad or sad thing. But my heart has been broken open by ...
Despite having “flown the nest,” a few breeds of birds, like nuthatches, continue to feed their young post-flight. I find ...
It turns out this shortness of breath wasn’t caused by fluid in my lungs; it was 1.04 liters of fluid ...
What do you mean that “Cancer has been one of the biggest blessings of your entire life”?
“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.” – Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Alan Alda says, “Doorways are where the truth is told.” At some point, we all find ourselves in the doorway ...
t#16: When I have a smooth customer service transaction, I never take it for granted and ask to speak to ...
This interior glimpse will yield two words that I wish were different: progression and swelling. My tumors are squatters, sprawled ...
“She died,” I heard three different times this month. Now, I know I will die from my disease. What I ...
I see parallels between this Slacker Pie Crust recipe and my odyssey with cancer.
People say that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. In my cancer world, these MRIs are one way doctors ...
I hate clock-time. I love life-time.
Welcome to my sacred salon, demise den, parting parlor... basically my room to die in at home
"Dear Erica," you write. "You seem to be doing so much, and really really really living life to the fullest. ...
“You could increase your weights, you know,” Gayle the trainer points out. I flash back to six months ago, when ...
Inspiration by mastication
Waking up after surgery.
One of my all-time favorite quotes is: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and ...
Erica’s old anger patterns as directed at my children and husband, or, per Stephen King, “Some werewolves are hairy on ...
How do you imagine what happens to your remains: a burial on land? Burial at sea? Donation to science? Orbiting ...
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