Killer asteroid?
Let’s look at the actual facts...
Bob Berman, Ulster Publishing’s Night Sky columnist since 1974, is the world’s most widely read astronomer. Since the mid-1990s, his celebrated "Strange Universe" feature has appeared monthly in Astronomy magazine, the largest circulation periodical on the subject. Berman is also the long-time astronomy editor of the Old Farmer’s Almanac. He was Discover magazine’s monthly columnist from 1989-2006. He has authored more than a thousand published mass-market articles and been a guest on such TV shows as Today and Late Night with David Letterman. Berman is director of two Ulster County observatories and the Storm King Observatory at Cornwall. He was adjunct professor of astronomy and physics at Marymount college from 1995-2000.
We stick to Earth's surface without giving it a thought...
All four easily seen planets have reached peak or near-peak brilliance at once...
As we approach 2025, we may be surprised that the sky will offer patterns and spectacles very different from what...
Venus is now starting an extraordinary cycle...
After centuries of effort by brilliant theorists, we’re left with a confusing mélange of unsatisfactory non-answers...
Never in our lives has upstate New York had a year that displayed all three of the top celestial spectacles...
Life brings us good ones and bad ones...
Astronomers with sub-stantial audiences are routinely swamped with questions...
Don’t Miss this weekend’s Super Buck Moon! said the July headline, repeated in respected newspapers and websites...
The cosmos is made of 92 natural elements. But only a few truly affect us.
A day doesn’t pass without people posting colorful images of supposed sky phenomena...
If life is routine and old enough to have developed intelligence...
Only last Saturday, an asteroid barely missed hitting Earth...
Many TV, online and print media are headlining an expected “new star” that could pop off any time...
Average number of stars visible from Manhattan: 11. From Woodstock: 2,600...
Last Friday evening, May 10, our region (and indeed the entire U.S.) saw the finest display of the Northern Lights...
Finding life beyond Earth is the tacit motive behind our current fascination with exoplanets.
How does this total solar eclipse compares with others.
The media have generally done a poor job of prepping folks for the great April 8 total solar eclipse.
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