With state money, the City of Kingston has improved pedestrian safety at six crosswalks at greater than average risk for crashes. This project installed ADA-compliant curb ramps, curb extensions, high visibility crosswalks, high visibility signage, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons, and pedestrian signal countdown timers. Engineering Consultants from Creighton Manning LLP created final design plans, with construction by A. Colarusso & Son. Construction.
The six intersections were Joy’s Lane at Municipal Stadium Road, Broadway at McEntee Street, Broadway at Delaware Avenue and Yosman Towers, Broadway at Andrew Street, North Front at Crown streets, and Albany Avenue at Maiden Lane. The total project cost of $530,000 was fully funded by a state grant with no local match required. More information can be found at: https://engagekingston.com/pedestrian-safety-action-plan