Repair Café of Kingston, Bike-Friendly Kingston and the YMCA’s Bike It! program are joining forces for the fall Repair Café & Bike Clinic this Saturday, Oct. 5 from 11 a.m,-3 p.m. at the community hall of Redeemer Lutheran Church, 104 Wurts St. in downtown Kingston.
Skilled volunteers from the community will provide free repairs of household items: mechanical, electrical or electronic, wooden items, jewelry. Seamstresses expert in both machine-sewing and hand-sewing will mend clothing and textiles (note: no alterations). Bring laptops, tablets or smart phones. Volunteers will also sharpen knives and tools (limit: 2 per person). Vince Murray will bring his welding truck for metal repairs, including high-temperature welding of aluminum.
Bike-Friendly Kingston and the Kingston Y’s Bike It! folks will be on hand for basic bicycle repairs, tune-ups and safety checks. Bike-Friendly Kingston is a local, volunteer advocacy group, promoting safety for cyclists and providing resources for the biking community in Kingston. Please bring bikes before 2 p.m. to allow time for repairs; bicycle parts are not provided, so if you know your need a new tube or tire, bring it with you.
There will be free coffee and tea, and a donation jar for home-baked sweet and savory treats and fruit.
Repair Cafes are co-sponsored by Kingston Transition and Kingston’s Climate Smart Commission. Repair Cafes are an “action item” that earn points for Kingston toward New York State’s Climate Smart Communities program.
For more information contact Melissa Iachetta at 347-361-0443. Further information is available at www.repaircafehv.org and on Facebook: Repair Cafe Hudson Valley