The venerable Woodstock vocal ensemble Ars Choralis explores the musical world of Johann Sebastian Bach and his contemporaries with “Bach and His World” at the historic Maverick Concert Hall in Woodstock on Saturday, June 22. Led by Ars Choralis artistic director Barbara Pickhardt, the 50-voice chorus and soloists capture the brilliance of six Baroque composers whose works reflect the diversity of the era, from Claudio Monteverdi through Jean-Joseph de Mondonville. The other composers included on the program, in addition to the preeminent J. S. Bach, are Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Grezgorz Gorczycki and Maurizio Cazzati. Tickets cost $18 in advance, $22 at the door.
“Bach and His World”
Saturday/Sunday, June 22/23, 7 p.m./4 p.m.
Maverick Concert Hall
120 Maverick Rd., Woodstock