Democrat Brian Cahill, the former majority leader of the Ulster County Legislature, will seek to unseat Republican James Maloney for the District 4 seat this fall. Cahill was a legislator from 2006-2009, serving as majority leader in 2008 and 2009.
“After much consideration and encouragement from many friends, neighbors and fellow concerned residents, I have decided to accept the nomination to run as a Democrat for the Ulster County Legislature District 4 representing the towns of Kingston and Ulster,” stated Cahill in a press release. “Ulster County will have a new executive for the first time in 10 years [and] the county legislature is reshaped with balanced representation. A new county judge and district attorney will be chosen this fall and voters recently elected a new sheriff, Juan Figueroa. I was fortunate to have served when a similar wave of change took place in Ulster County government.”
Cahill stepped in when the Democrats’ first choice, Ronald Miller, decided not to accept the party’s nomination.
“Over the last decade, while seeing from afar, the implementation of some of the reforms I helped usher in, this new transition calls for experience and perspective,” Cahill stated in his press release. “I believe that having both, I can best serve the people of this legislative district and of Ulster County at this unique time. I look forward to engaging with all of the residents in the towns of Kingston and Ulster as we plan a course for the future.”
Maloney did not return a phone call seeking comment.