 The New Paltz Central School District has been informed by the resident engineer of the South Putt Corners Road project that due to weather-related issues, the paving of South Putt Corners Road, where the high school is located, has been delayed and will now begin on September 5 (the first day of school with students) and continue until September 7.
Crews will begin paving on September 5 near Route 299. On September 6, they intend to pave as far as the New Paltz police station and on September 7, they hope to finish the paving by going from the police station to Route 32. Travel delays are expected during these days and depending on weather conditions, this plan may change.
Roadwork has been ongoing since the spring. The result will be a resurfaced road with new six-foot shoulders with bike lanes, which together with the existing ten-foot lanes will be 32 feet across, as well as a new right-turn lane at Route 299 and left-turn lane at the high school for southbound traffic.