“Sharing tales of those we’ve lost is how we keep from really losing them.”
– Mitch Albom, For One More Day
Map Launch Party at Arrowood Farms in Accord
Rondout Valley has some farms…E-I-E-I-O…and on these farms they have some stickers…E-I-E-I-O… Corral your crew and ease into the long weekend by attending the 2018 Stick to Local Adventure Map Launch Party! Head over to Arrowood Farms this Friday, May 25 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. for this free, family-friendly event including live music, locally grown refreshments and. of course, pick up your Rondout Valley farm map to learn where to collect your family’s stickers this season!
Arrowood Farms is located at 236 Lower Whitfield Road in Accord. For information, visit www.stick2local.com.
Family workshops at Minnewaska
Wondering what to do with the kids this weekend? Don’t be a birdbrain; the Minnewaska State Park Preserve has got you covered at both Minnewaska and the Sam’s Point Area! On Saturday, May 26 from 1 to 3 p.m., learn all about the seven Leave No Trace Principles for Families at Sam’s Point. Geared for families and children ages 8 and up, participants will discover important and creative ways to enjoy the outdoors while protecting and caring for it. Preregistration is required. The Sam’s Point Visitor Center is located at 400 Sam’s Point Road.
On Sunday, May 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., your crew will eaglely anticipate stopping in the Minnewaska Nature Center to meet real raptors at Live Birds of Prey, such as a red-tailed hawk, broad-winged hawk, American kestrel, barred owl, screech owl and great horned owl. Bring a picnic in case you feel peckish and spend the day hanging out and hiking.
On Monday, May 28 at 10 a.m., children 7 and up and their families are invited to the Kids Make Your Own Animal Track Drop-In Program. While the hands-on plaster footprints harden, participants will hike around the park looking for animal signs.
Minnewaska State Park is located at 5281 Route 44/55 in Kerhonkson. These programs are free and open to the public, and the park entry fee is $10 per vehicle. Registration is not required for the Sunday and Monday events. For more information or to register at Sam’s Point, call (845) 647-7989 or visit https://on.ny.gov/2IBU9zX; at Minnewaska, call (845) 255-0752 or visit https://on.ny.gov/2x3r4rTand https://on.ny.gov/2J1qH5X. To learn more about Annie Mardiney’s animal-rescue work and other local wildlife rehabilitators, visit https://bit.ly/2GHUPhw.
Memorial Day events at FDR Library
“Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from want. Freedom from fear,” president Franklin Delano Roosevelt passionately expressed. This Memorial weekend, make some time for the special events at his estate and Presidential Library. And they’re all free! On Saturday and Sunday, May 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., take in the World War II military displays on the FDR Library’s Great Lawn, talk to soldiers in battle dress and learn about a variety of period vehicles. From Saturday, May 26 through Monday, May 28 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., reflect on the hundreds of star-spangled banners at the Field of Honor flag display, honoring veterans, first responders and hometown heroes. On Monday, May 28 at 1:30 p.m., join the annual Memorial Day Ceremony in the Rose Garden for words about this ultimate sacrifice and witness the laying of the wreath.
The FDR Presidential Library and Home of Franklin Roosevelt National Historic Site are located at 4097 Albany Post Road in Hyde Park. For more information about the military and Field of Honor displays, call the FDR Library at (845) 486-7745, e-mail clifford.laube@nara.gov or visit https://fdrlibrary.org/events-calendar. To learn more about the Memorial Day Ceremony, call (845) 229-6225 or visit www.nps.gov/hofr/planyourvisit/calendar.htm.
History Scavenger Hunt in Uptown Kingston
Sometimes it’s just hard to plan an interesting excursion with your young people, right? So many ages, interests and impossible schedules. Here’s an event that checks all of the boxes: Step into History: A Scavenger Hunt in Uptown Kingston. These are places many of us have driven past but never gone in, and here’s our chance!
On Saturday, May 26 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., pick up your Scavenger Hunt guide at any of the five participating locations and go! The five historic spots are the Senate House State Historic Site, Volunteer Firemen’s Hall & Museum, Old Dutch Church, Friends of Historic Kingston and Matthewis Persen House Museum, all within a few blocks of each other in Uptown Kingston, between John and Fair Streets. For more information, call (845) 340-3040 or visit www.ulstercountyny.gov/countyclerk/persenhouse.html.
Family Fun Day at Siegel-Kline Kill Conservation Area
Fly-tying, archery and live animals, oh my! Add some hands-on activities like building pollinator hotels, decorating peat pots, planting native flora, going on a nature scavenger hunt, learning from history and environmental displays and more, and you’ve got a terrific way to spend the evening with your family of all ages! The Columbia Land Conservancy’s Family Fun Day takes place this Saturday, May 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Siegel-Kline Kill Conservation Area. The suggested donation is $20 per family or $5 per individual, and preregistration is strongly encouraged.
The Siegel-Kline Kill Public Conservation Area is located at 1495 Church Street in Ghent. For more information, to volunteer or to register, call (518) 392-5252, e-mail info@clctrust.org or visit https://clctrust.org/event/family-fun-day. To learn more about Siegel-Kline Kill, visit https://clctrust.org/public-conservation-areas/siegel-kline-kill.
Make binoculars at the Catskill Interpretive Center’s Family Day
If your weekend didn’t include plans to make binoculars, now it does! This Sunday, May 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Catskill Interpretive Center presents Family Day. Hands-on activities for all ages include learning how to identify birds (maybe you can use those handmade binoculars!), tracking wildlife, planting seeds, creating art projects, trying the sensory scavenger hunt or just exploring the Center’s stroller-friendly nature trails. Robinson’s World of Animals engages your crew in an encounter with birds of prey and reptiles, and Arm-of-the-Sea Theater presents one of its epic, giant-sized environmental puppet shows.
Family Day is pay-what-you-wish, and open to the public of all ages. The Catskill Interpretive Center is located at 5096 Route 28 in Mount Tremper. For more information, call (845) 688-3369 or visit http://catskillinterpretivecenter.org/family-days.
Family Board Games Demo at Dragon’s Den in Wappingers Falls
Does this ever happen to you: Suddenly your kids are completely excited about a new board game, and you have no idea how to play? I know that I was personally challenged by the ins and outs of Settlers of Catan when that took my son’s world by storm (honestly, Catan still does challenge me). Enjoy quality time with your crew and learn some new board games together; how else are they going to prepare to spend hours in a coffeeshop when they’re older? This Monday, May 28 from 6 to 8 p.m., sink someone’s battleship or accuse Miss Scarlet of a transgression in the library with a pipe or try a few rounds of Uno (bring your own games if you want to) at the Family Board Games Demonstration at the Dragon’s Den. Staff members are ready to help your fam have fun!
The Dragon’s Den is located in Cambridge Commons at 939 Route 376 in Wappingers Falls. For more information, call (845) 471-1401 or visit https://bit.ly/2s6jeIe or www.wowdragonsden.com.
Revolutionary War-era Memorial Day events in New Windsor
“On Memorial Day, I don’t want to only remember the combatants. There were also those who came out of the trenches as writers and poets, who started preaching peace, men and women who have made this world a kinder place to live,” reflects Eric Burdon, English singer/songwriter and actor. Who are you remembering this Memorial Day? I invite you to add these two Revolutionary War sites to your schedule this weekend:
On Saturday, May 26 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Knox’s Headquarters State Historic Site opens for the season (you heard his name in the Hamilton musical!). Knox’s Headquarters is located at 289 Old Forge Road in Vails Gate; call (845) 561-1765 or visit www.parks.ny.gov/historic-sites/5/details.aspx.
On Monday, May 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., bear witness to the Graveside Burial event at the New Windsor Cantonment State Historic Site. Throughout the day, Revolutionary War soldiers stand vigil over colonel Francis Barber, and at 2 p.m., a graveside mourning ceremony in honor of all US veterans is followed by a cannon-firing and a military demonstration.
The New Windsor Cantonment is located at 374 Temple Hill Road in New Windsor. While you’re there, I strongly encourage you to spend time at the wonderful and moving Purple Heart Hall of Honor located on-site. For more information, call (845) 561-1765 or visit www.parks.ny.gov/historic-sites/22/details.aspx or www.facebook.com/newwindsorcantonment.
Erica Chase-Salerno honors our fallen she-roes and heroes. She can be reached at kidsalmanac@ulsterpublishing.com.