A benefit for the families affected by the April 21 fire on Russell Street in the Village of Saugerties which took the life of 46-year-old mother Tanya Conklin and the material possessions of two families will take place this Saturday, May 12 at the Smoking Pony BBQ at 963 King’s Highway. The event will begin at 11 a.m. A 50-50 raffle, where half of the proceeds from ticket purchases will go to the Khan and Conklin families and the other half to the raffle winner, will be one of the fundraisers. There will also be a free buffet and a cash bar.
“I’m trying to be a little old school, in a way. We live in a small village, I’ve lived here my whole life, and for several people to lose all of their possessions and their mother so close to Mother’s Day, I feel like it’s important to help,” said Stone Pony owner John Livermore. “I got a feeling I should be doing this. It takes a community to raise a child. It’s going to take more than the community to help all these people out. As a business owner, I feel compelled to help. This is an important one. I have the facility and the means, and I thought it would be nice.”
Local DJ “Majic Juan” will perform. An assortment of items from local businesses, including a gift card to the Barclay Heights Diner, will be raffled off.
“Everyone around the village was doing cans and stuff like that, and no one was focusing on the entire fire, all three families,” said organizer Julio Rivera Jr. “The Smoking Pony wanted to make sure that money was raised for all the families involved. We’re still in the process of trying to get gift baskets and what-have-you to help raise money.”
Local businesses or individuals that would like to donate goods to the cause can contact Rivera at 532-4991.