Ever use Route 209 to head south from Kingston? Think again this summer, when, according to Hurley supervisor John Perry, the state Department of Transportation is planning to replace a bridge over the Lower Esopus Creek between the NYS Troopers Barracks and O&W Rail Trail parking lot a year early. That means detours from “roughly June through August,” with the impact of truck traffic hopefully lessened somewhat by getting GPS and other mapping systems changed before construction starts.
The main detour route that Perry said he’s been speaking with DOT officials and police about would take traffic down Wynkoop Road to Hurley Mountain Road, if headed north on 209, or along Hurley Mountain from Route 28 at Kenco’s to Wynkoop if headed south. Talk of adding traffic lights to aid with traffic flow has been under discussion, the supervisor added.
The NYS Department of Transportation website posts a daily average of 13,029 vehicles along the stretch of 209 to be detoured. Perry said he’s asked the DOT and county to ensure that the 2014 bridge crossing the Esopus in Hurley, along Wynkoop Road, be checked for maximum load carriage, as well as any dangerous areas along Hurley Mountain Road.
The supervisor also said all efforts would be made to keep truck and other through-detour traffic off of Hurley’s historic Main Street, where many in town fear increased traffic will damage the area’s collection of old stone houses.
“There’s nothing really positive about this,” Perry said. “I guess once it’s done it won’t be happening again in our lifetimes.”
He added that local events along Main Street will still be on for the busy summer season ahead, including Old Stone House Day, when all traffic will be closed from the historic area.
Everyone agreed it will be a long summer.