The Saugerties Democratic Committee will hold its Caucus to nominate Town candidates for 2017 at the Senior Center on June 27 starting at 7 pm. To vote in the Caucus for the Candidates you do need to be enrolled in the Democratic Party at the time of the Caucus. The SDC Screening Committee has interviewed a number of persons who aspire to run for Town office. The Screening Committee has decided to recommend to the Caucus Fred Costello for Supervisor, and Paul Andreassen and Jeannine Mayer for Town Board. Fred is serving his 3rd four year term as a Council member, and is ready to take over the Supervisor’s job. Paul has been a municipal Building Inspector for 20 years and a member of the Saugerties and Ulster County Planning Boards. Jeannine has been an elected member of the Saugerties Village Board since 2009 and has served as Deputy Mayor since 2011. They are all experienced government officials who will serve the community with honesty and respect for all its residents.
Please join us on June 27 to nominate Fred, Paul and Jeannine for Town Board. The candidates nominated at the Caucus will be the candidates on Row A of the ballot in November. Thank you.
Lanny Walter, Chair
Saugerties Democratic Committee