For the second year, Saugerties High School art students’ work is on display at WAAM (Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, 29 Tinker Street). Their work is hanging in the Youth Exhibition Space downstairs at WAAM until March 26.
There are works by 50 sophomore, junior, and senior Saugerties students, said Patricia Mooney, art department chair.
The relationship between the high school and WAAM began last year when Beth Humphrey, coordinator of the YES (Youth Exhibition Space) gallery encouraged Saugerties teachers to have their students show their work to this space. “We have been in touch with Beth for several years, taking advantage when she has an opening in the schedule to show our students’ work,” Mooney added.
Last year, the Saugerties show consisted of just work by sophomores but this year, Mooney said the art department opened the show to students in grades 10-12.
The opportunity to have their work shown to wider audience other than just their fellow students at Saugerties High School. “[It] means a lot for the students to have their art work on display at WAAM,” Mooney explained. “They have the experience of seeing their work out in the public, where it should be, as well as having the experience of attending an art opening; many have never done this before.”
The high school’s art program has seen a number of their students go on to be graphic designers, artists, and film makers after graduation.
Programs, such as these can encourage other students to continue not only with their art education in college by to also make it a career, teachers in the art department said.