At its November 9 meeting, the Rosendale Town Board voted to override the .68 percent tax cap imposed this year by the New York State Comptroller’s Office, as well as to adopt the final version of the 2017 town budget. Total appropriations for next year are set at $4,571,061, up 3.4 percent from 2016; $2,845,082 of that figure will have to be raised from the local tax levy.
Both resolutions passed unanimously, 4-0. Councilwoman Stacy Lipari’s resignation from the town board, due to a job relocation, was accepted at the previous week’s meeting. “It’s up to the board to fill the vacancy until the next election cycle,” councilwoman Jen Metzger explained.
In other financial matters addressed at the meeting, the board approved instituting an annual transfer station permit fee of $60 for non-residents of Rosendale. And persons wishing to book the Rosendale Recreation Center for weddings will henceforward be charged a $500 hall rental fee, instead of the regular $180 event fee.