A man who Town of Ulster police say drove up on a couple of kids on Linderman Avenue Extension Wednesday evening and – in a fake Russian-type accent – asked the kids if they wanted to see some puppies he had in his SUV is a man town police want to find.
According to the UPD, they got a report at about 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, July 23, that a white male in his mid-30s with brown hair operating a midsize white SUV, make and model unknown, drove up on two kids while they were walking along Linderman and made his approach. Police said the kids ran, and that the vehicle then headed north toward the City of Kingston.
Police said the man in question did not physically attempt to restrain or abduct the children, but, they said, “due to the nature of the complaint, [we’re] asking anyone with information to call us as we would like to identify the male subject and vehicle to assist in resolving this complaint.”
The Town of Ulster police may be reached at (845) 382-1111.