Just out, and well worth reading, is Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight For Farm Animals by Jenny Brown of the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Starting with her childhood in a devout Louisville home, eventual escape to the documentary film world of Chicago and Boston, and final realization of her dreams via the Farm Sanctuary and the full realization of a true Vegan, almost Jain lifestyle, Brown brings directness and honesty to both her personal details and grand battles. Yes, she lost a leg to bone cancer at age ten. But what of it…she explains how one judges possible daters, when still a teen, by how they react to such information. Later, she charts the various facts and visions that led her to her more recent achievements with the Farm Sanctuary.
This is sharp, on-spot writing…and a story sure to find its audience as it enters the market next week.
Look for readings and signing events over the coming weeks.
And be sure to reserve space on your beach blanket for both these great reads.