The Nomination
1. I was never “a former Republican supervisor.”
2. My name is not “John Mower.”
3. I have “actually” no desire to run this Town.
4. At the Republican caucus, I seconded the motion of Richard Anthony to nominate Lorin Rose for the position of Town Supervisor.
Howard Harris
Turn The Tables And Vote Sennett
I sure hope that recent events across the country have opened up voters’ eyes. We live in an oligarchical society. One in which the good ole boys(the power structure) who are in charge based on wealth, royalty, position, family ties, whatever, just want to preserve the status quo. No waves. They protect each other at any cost. If they can keep the masses quiet they are content. These are tough times for many as the big banks, huge corporations, and the military industrial complex controls our elected officials.
Well there are good ole boys running the show here in Ulster County too. But here, and now, we have an opportunity to fight some of that power structure. It is obvious by his actions that the current County DA is refusing to shine the light of truth on corruption as long as it is being promulgated by those in charge (some of the good ole boys). Can you remember the jail fiasco? How do you feel about the RRA? Timothy Matthews?
Time to turn the tables. Vote Jon Sennett and give the DA’s office back to the people.
Ralph Childers
Vote For The Best Candidate
Although I am a registered Democrat I am voting for Peter Cross for Town Board, a nominee on the Republican ticket. Peter has stated that a priority is to “get the town’s financial house in order” this is an issue that has been frighteningly overlooked during the last two terms of Supervisor.
Even though Woodstock’s mill rate is low, Woodstock property values are high compared to nearby towns. Long time residents (many of them self employed, in the arts, crafts and building trades) face crushing taxes with incomes no longer sufficient to live on in this town. Peter grew up in Woodstock, and is now the owner of a family property and a parent of two children, he understands this concern about ever-rising costs and taxes.
Further, I know that Peter as a member of the Town Board, (not as a hourly paid outside Consultant) will contribute valuable input to the update of a Comprehensive Plan, able to give informed expertise acquired during his professional experience working in Civil Engineering and Surveying. The long over-due completion of this plan would make the town eligible for various grants.
Peter has a deceptively quite demeanor, no bluster there…he will be a calming and intelligent addition to the Town Board. It is heartening to have this opportunity to vote for him. I congratulate the Republican Committee for nominating him.
Cornelia H. Rosenblum
Carnright’s 95%
I am supporting Holley Carnright for District Attorney of Ulster County.
As our current DA, Holley Carnright has prosecuted over 18,000 cases and more than 100 individual members of street gangs in Ulster County. He has a 95% felony conviction rate.
His opponent Jon Sennett has not prosecuted one single case in the past 12 years. When he worked in the Bronx DA’s office he claimed to have prosecuted 30 violent crimes. But it is widely known that the Bronx DA’s office plea bargains almost all cases due to the massive case load.
Prior to Sennett’s first unsuccessful attempt to become the district attorney, his web site highlighted going after the police. His top two published areas of practice were against police. Any resident of Ulster County will tell you that we hate corruption especially in those we trust. But crime is way more pervasive and a threat to us all.
Sennett has recently reported raising $16,000 out of $26,000 from New York City. I find it distasteful that a would-be DA in Ulster County is getting 60% of his funding from out of the county.
The office of Ulster County District Attorney needs to be fair but tough on crime. Holley Carnright is and his last four years in office proves that.
Help keep us safe. Help keep gangs off the streets in Ulster County. Help support Holley Carnright for DA on November 8.
Bruce H. Tuchman
For more politix letters, see print edition.