Now that the national news media and the U.S. Senate are involved, dog owners whose pets died after eating chicken jerky made in China are hoping that companies will voluntarily pull their products from grocery store shelves, or that the Food and Drug Administration will force them to do so.
According to ABC News, the FDA has received reports of more than 900 dogs who have been sickened or have died after eating Milo’s Kitchen Chicken Jerky Treats.
Saugerties couple Steve Smith and Debi Arthur have been at the forefront of the local movement to ban the treats since their dog Lacy died after eating a treat last fall. The couple has been crusading to have that product yanked from shelves but as of yet have been unsuccessful. They’ve even created their own warning labels and pasted them to the products on local shelves. “I guess it’s a vigilante thing,” Smith said. “But something needs to be done to protect the pets. Companies are hiding behind the FDA to continue to sell this stuff.”
The FDA has issued a new warning about the dangers of the treats saying that pet owners whose dogs have eaten either Waggin’ Train or Canyon Creek Ranch after receiving reports of pets suffering from kidney failure or dying after eating the products. These are made by Nestle Purina in China.
A nationwide Facebook group called “Animal Parents Against Pet Treats Made In China,” has more than 4,500 members who are either concerned for the safety of their dogs or whose dogs have become sick or died.
So far the FDA issued warnings but no recalls.