Ready the plows! Local weather forecasters predict Ulster County’s biggest snowstorm of the season will begin Saturday evening and run through early Sunday morning, accumulating to four to eight inches of the white stuff.
The City of Kingston issued an early snow emergency warning. It goes into effect today, Saturday, Feb. 8 at 8pm, and you must have your vehicle off the street or parked on the even-numbered side of the street by 10pm tonight. (If you’re on a snow emergency route, you can’t park anywhere on that street.)
On Sunday the city asks all residents parked on the even side of the street to wake up bright at early at 7am, when all vehicles must be moved. That’s right — the city expects thousands of residents to simultaneously wake up before 7am on a Sunday, start shoveling and move those cars across the street with haste. Vehicles not moved by 7am are subject to a recently-increased fine or the even more expensive prospect of being towed.
Obviously, in practice it’s impossible to ticket or tow all violators simultaneously at 7am. There is an indeterminate amount of time between 7am and when the plow shows up on your street. Could be minutes, could be hours. Lucky violators get a loud knock on their door from city workers or even city police letting them know they need to move their vehicle immediately. But don’t count on it. Others will get tickets, some will get towed. Many others will go unpunished, with a mound of plowed snow lingering around their vehicle, sometimes for days.
Snow truly is an eternal struggle, especially for a city of 23,777.