Around 50,000 Covid-19 vaccinations per month could be administered in Kingston and Ellenville when vaccines become widely available, said Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan today.
Ryan said the county has selected the Kate Walton Field House at Kingston High School as its primary vaccine distribution site and The Ellenville Regional Hospital Center as its secondary distribution site.
“While we are still months away from the vaccine being widely available to the public at-large, the county has a robust plan in place to rapidly scale up distribution once the vaccine is made available to us,” said Ryan in a press release. “The selection of the county-led Kingston and Ellenville vaccine distribution sites will allow more residents to receive the vaccine swiftly and safely while also prioritizing equity at the center of our response.”
About 45,000 vaccines could be given per month at the Kingston site and 5,000 at the Ellenville site, according to the release.
The Kingston site will be open seven days a week beginning January 11 and the Ellenville site will be open Monday through Friday beginning January 14 for eligible groups specified in Phase 1 including health personnel, EMS, and residents and staff at congregate facilities. (For more info on the phased rollout of the vaccine, visit the state website.)
Vaccinations will also be given at hospitals, healthcare facilities, pharmacies, and other providers.
“The county’s vaccine distribution plan emphasizes a strong focus on reaching underserved populations, with the selection of these sites aiding in ensuring fair and equal access to the vaccine,” states the release.
The county developed its plan in partnership with the Mid-Hudson Regional Vaccine Hub, led by WMC Health, and the New York State Department of Health.
For more information and questions, please visit our Ulster County COVID-19 Website, or call the Recovery Service Center at 845-443-8888.