The views and opinions expressed in our letters section are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Hudson Valley One. You can submit a letter to the editor here.
Reinstate the climate accord
With many reasons to celebrate the transfer of power after the 2020 election, climate ranks number one in our book. Four years of denying both climate change and the science that confirms it, has been both damaging and embarrassing.
At the other end of the spectrum, Biden and Harris have a climate plan that is both bold and just — and America will now become reinstated in the Paris Climate Accord!
As congratulations trickle in during this confusing and unprecedented transition time, many global leaders are expressing gratitude to the US for the positive influence it will have on the other accord members. (That influence is actually part of Biden’s energy plan.)
Unfortunately, closer to home, for approximately 65 days, science denial will continue to reign — and people will die of the virus because our country’s administration still insists that masks are not essential.
Almost 70 percent of the voters felt that climate change was very or somewhat important. And although there are still many skeptics, if the Senate continues to be controlled by the Republicans, many of the essential actions will be thwarted.
If ever there were an issue that requires universal accord in this country, it is the existential threat of climate change.
Dan and Ann Guenther
New Paltz
End of American democracy
A coup is coming. President Donald Trump has no intention of accepting the election results that should make him an ex-president. He has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper because of his objection to using federal troops aggressively this summer. He will use a combination of federal armed personal, US military and paramilitary (i.e. Proud Boys) to keep himself in office.
Those who carry out his orders have nothing to fear as he will pardon any war crimes. He has already done so with US military personnel and law enforcement earlier in his term. And that is because our Republican Senator Mitch McConnell sees no contradiction in accepting the votes that have returned most Republican office holders, but will back the conspiracy theory of a fake presidential result.
We have been groomed to accept this kind of garbage for the past several years.
Marvin Birnbaum
New Paltz
Woodstock Library compromise
The library building debate has divided the Woodstock community for far too long, and the recent bond vote results are another clear example of that. It is fair to say that it is clear from the Woodstock Library’s own survey taken in 2017, that 86 percent of the Woodstock community wants to improve the library building.
We are asking the library trustees to join with us in a compromise. The members of the Library Alliance offer our help and good will in this matter. Our library building sorely needs to be improved and expanded.
At this point in time, when the vote totals on the library bond demonstrate a significant rift in the Woodstock community, we encourage all Woodstockers to assist in bringing about a long overdue solution by encouraging a compromise. Woodstock wants a beautiful, modern library while respecting its history, its trees and which frugally respects the needs of its residents.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sam Magarelli
All-purpose comb
I wish, instead of cell phones, that we were all playing video games and listening to podcasts on our combs.
What happened to us?
It is hard to comprehend a president of the USA standing in front of the country mocking our democracy by suggesting one of the major things which makes America a democracy is the right to vote, and he calls it a fraud. Someone please tell this man that “a lot” isn’t a number. He’s absolutely correct when he declares “legal votes,” however, in this context, he just means “votes for me.” This is an authoritarian moment by Trump as he falsely claims the election is “far from over.”
Here we have a leader who is trying to take away that right, and has consistently been trying to do so throughout the campaign. No doubt about it . If anyone knows corruption, it’s Donald Trump. Remember, his full name is Donald Corruption Trump.
Do not disenfranchise Americans! Longshot or no-shot, lawsuits just don’t work. He can’t show the fraudulent data that proves he won. The election has not been stolen. Trump lost the popular will of the people.
Get over it, as should the GOP which you represent. Even when Biden/Harris are in the White House, has America failed … bigly? A large amount of the country has voted “Nothing matters but my party’s power.”
While hope isn’t lost yet and things might still work out, the mere fact that about half the voters looked at the past four years in this country and said, “That was so great, I want another round of it!” speaks very poorly of us as a country. Deeply saddened by the lowering of American values! My fingers are crossed that even this trouble won’t last always (since character does count in a president and this election was a referendum on Trump’s clear immorality and abhorrent behavior which is why he lost).
Neil Jarmel
West Hurley
If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention
Dear friends, Last Wednesday was Veteran’s Day and I got to show my documentary to the Ulster County Community College students. Three local radio stations also played the theme song from the movie, “A Veteran’s Anthem.” Both the film and the song are getting much-needed recognition. The movement lives and is actually picking up more and more support. Below is the latest article I wrote to inform folks across the country that they now can view the documentary on Youtube.
Veteran Suicides Must End
Two years ago I produced a 52-minute documentary called “Why Can’t We Serve.” It was my best attempt to help reduce vet suicides. We’ve spent money advertising the film, showing it in many communities and having dynamic Q and A sessions after, with emotionally open audiences. We are proud of the film and that the movie is waking people up in a good way. Our Why Can’t We Serve Facebook page has clips from many of those events.
Now we have taken another big step in reaching out to all veterans and concerned citizens. We have put the movie on Youtube for all to watch. There is no charge. It’s totally free. Our desire has been, and still is, to build a grassroots movement that can help bring this issue front and center. We need the American public to be outraged about vet suicides, especially when there may be answers to help with the problem. We believe our documentary has some answers. Not all the answers, but some.
I want to thank you, in advance, for caring enough to watch the movie. And if you are moved to do so, please share this with your friends. We will not let this issue die, but we need lots of help. You can go to the web page and find out more about our efforts. There is a link to a three-minute trailer as well as a link to the full movie on the web site.
Or you can just click the link below, directly to the documentary (
Veteran Suicides Must End! If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention!
Marty Klein
Saving face?
At the October 20 Woodstock Town Board business meeting, councilman Lorin Rose introduced a resolution that would “test the soil” dumped on the property at 10 Church Road. Soil that contained, in addition to other substances harmful to human health, concrete, brick, plastic, burned logs, ceramic pipe, asphalt and stones. Supervisor Bill McKenna said, “The only recourse for dumping is a fine, $250 for a first violation and then escalating up to $1000. It is difficult and time-consuming to build a case.”
The town board ultimately passed the resolution by a vote of 3-2, with McKenna voting against it.
At the October 29 town board meeting, McKenna said the town board agreed that the situation was a big mess that needed to be fixed. “We are united in that cause, just in case there was any doubt,” he noted.
Howard Harris
Campaign is over
The election for the presidential office is over with Joseph Biden claiming 290 electoral votes to Donald Trump’s 214. However, there are still some ballots to be counted, yet whether they influence the total electoral count for the individuals remains to be seen. But it appears there is not going to be an amendable and amicable transfer of power from the existing president to the president-elect.
This is out of context and very unusual, inasmuch as the last 200-plus years have witnessed a courtesy from the existing holder of the Oval Office extended to the incoming president-elect, regardless of the political rhetoric prior to the election.
In addition, Trump aides are actually thwarting this process by holding funds needed for the transfer of power, not briefing the president-elect on issues, namely defense, and other issues. The incoming president needs to know for the benefits of the country at large.
This is the 71st letter over four years, starting with the letter of August 2016, slamming Donald Trump as a totally unfit individual to occupy that office inasmuch as of all the presidents, he is the only one with no prior political experience, political and or legislative, local, national and federal! I am going to address this malcontent on the benefits that millions of seniors have paid into all their lives and the course forward for the country.
My prime concern over Donald’s ineptitude was the day he stated, “If elected, it is the destruction of the administrative system.” That statement says it all. He is the embodiment of the hatred the Republican Party has had and has held ever since Franklin Roosevelt and the 74th Congress passed the Social Security Act of August 1935. He is the only Republican president who has not only stated his aversion to this system but actually has attacked it, (withholding the payroll tax) and will attempt to undermine it and do away with it. If he was re-elected. US Senator Mitt Romney stated, “We will never balance the budget until we address these benefits.”
Bullshit. The reason it will never be balanced is because of the tax cuts other Republican presidents, including Donald, give to the millionaires, billionaires and corporations once they get in office. This is what pushes the debt limit up, not the only thing, but the main one. But with him out of office our benefits are protected as the Democrats will not address such draconian measures.
The state of the country right now is terrible, even with a new president not being sworn in until January 20, 2021. Donald’s refusal to heed the doctors and medical experts — the most important avenue of behavior of wearing a mask, staying six feet away for others, and avoiding large crowds — is the key until a vaccine comes around. Instead, he flaunts this by showing up for his followers, exhorting them to pay attention to him and not the medical experts. And some of his followers from the northern plains who like limited government are learning the hard way of not wearing a mask and adhering to the guidelines.
This and his attacks on the professionals who have major experience in the government sets a dangerous tone for the direction of the country.
Robert LaPolt
New Paltz
Glimmer of hope
Sounds like a Star Wars title. Did you notice after the media declared Joe Biden the winner this weekend, that Monday morning all the conservatives who voted for Trump, millions of them were driving in the streets … going to work? Then, that evening they were seen entering private homes, their homes and having dinner with their families, then watching a little TV.
Businesses boarded up in our Democrat-run cities on the chance that Trump would win. They knew there would be riots. As soon as it looked bad for Trump, the plywood came down.
The media is saying Trump is just a sore loser claiming election fraud. It was pointed out that a party that does not condemn the rioting and looting that has been going on during our “mostly peaceful” protests might also not be willing to steal an election? States used bulk mail ballots sent everywhere. What could go wrong?
Four states are the subject of investigations of fraud that are of interest: Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona. There’s a large margin for Biden in Pennsylvania. The Biden advantage in the other three states is razor thin. If these go to Trump, he won’t need Pennsylvania. The electoral count will be at 269 each. A tie.
So here’s where Biden supporters’ knowledge is a little weak. Knowledge of what is in the Constitution, namely the 12th Amendment. According to that, the House will pick the President and the Senate will pick the Vice President. So the House has a majority of Democrats.
That’s not how it works. Each state gets one vote. The vote is determined by a state delegation. There are more red states than blue states. In fact, several state legislative houses and governorships were turned red in this election. And the House had some representatives flipped from blue to red. No blue wave.
This has to have AOC screaming. Wyoming can cancel California’s vote. That would get Trump elected. And the Senate would pick Pence. I know, it’s a long shot.
In 2016, the Democrats claimed Russian collusion. After several years and millions of dollars of investigations, none was found. Now the Democrats and mainstream media (I repeat myself) are saying we must accept the election results after they did everything they could to overturn Trump for four years.
I’ve seen reports of all kinds of fishy election fraud allegations. A few were quickly debunked but others remain.
The Pennsylvania case started before the election. If the state election results stand and Biden becomes certified, life will go on. Every legitimate allegation must be investigated to restore confidence in our voting system. If not, the fraud will only get worse, and we will become a one-party country. No balance, only tyranny and misery.
Tom McGee
Connect the dots
Regarding the letter “Virus was not man-made” in the November 11 issue of Hudson Valley One, the letter writer has suggested everyone use Google to research his claim encapsulated in his title. What the well-meaning author is apparently not cognizant of is that Google’s algorithms in their search engines are biased. According to the Guardian and NBC News, Google search engines have been shown to spread false information with a right-wing bias.
The search results have also alarmed State Senator Henry Stern, who is now considering legislation next year that would require Google and other tech companies to disclose how their algorithms work. So, to depend on Google for research of controversial subjects is to be compromised in fact finding.
The controversial letter, “Risky Wuhan Research” in the November 4 issue of Hudson Valley One, that drew the ire of the aforementioned letter writer, made specific claims that each can be checked for its accuracy to see if they happened. I would suggest using search engine to check the alleged facts made in the November 4 letter. If one would do some serious research, they would indeed find out that Nobel Laureate virologist, Dr. Luc Montagnier, who discovered the AIDS virus, did in fact state in his expert opinion: “the Sars-Cov-2 virus was manmade.”
Further research would also find that there was a peer-reviewed study done by reputable Indian scientists who documented the same thing, but under political pressure withdrew their paper from the journal where it was published. Here is the link to that study, documenting the Sars-CoV-2 virus had a short sequence of the AIDS virus attached to it, which could not happen naturally in less than 600 years, affirming Dr. Luc Montagier’s comments.
Here is the link to the March 14 Washington Post article by top columnist Josh Rogin, declaring after reviewing obtained US Embassy cables, they warned the U.S. multiple times two years prior to the current pandemic, that the Wuhan lab had safety issues that could be a potential source of a future pandemic (
Furthermore, serious research will show Wuhan’s wet market hadn’t sold any bats since 2016 and the subject bat’s colonies were 500 miles away from Wuhan. Meanwhile, just 275 yards away from the wet market was the Wuhan Lab doing admitted risky “gain of function research” on coronavirus in bats. Connect the dots!
Steve Romine
What is Covid-19 teaching us?
The media’s focus on waiting for the election results has allowed me to hear the number 100,000 infected by Covid in one day. The schism being revealed by both the way the country is voting and catching the Covid virus shows me how deeply the spirit and soul of America is affected.
“Human beings are social animals” is something I said almost daily, when I was running groups at Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital for 25 years. My point was, patients live in family, community, country and a world that affects them and that they affect. (Today because of the virus I could say that infects them and that they infect.)
In other words, we are all biologically connected, if we like it or not. That connection we all share can bring grace and love and can bring hate and death. When this biological and spiritual truth is ignored, catastrophe can become part of the equation we all live. Emotional and spiritual maturity grows slowly in human beings, proven by the wars, holocaust and pandemics that embroider world’s history.
A schism appears on the voting map when we see how blue and red states voted. East and west coast Democrats and middle America Republicans choices get interpreted in myriads of ways by politicians and pollsters. I wonder what it might mean to someone who is capable of feeling concern for all people of the land, because of our biological and spiritual connectedness. These two factors I feel are impossible to completely ignore. Simply because in the end it means we live or die as a species.
Denial is a profoundly powerful human ability that can help us to deal with impossible situations, but it can also lead us blindly into destruction. Much like the macro schism on our country’s map, there is a micro schism in ourselves that allows us to ignore difficult and painful circumstances for personal survival. This is evident with the issue of masks, that has helped to physically show to those around us our denial or concern.
The electoral college ignores the pandemic because the number of people it represents has little relationship to the number of lives affected by Covid. This lesson given to us by nature is denied by many. Shall we awaken to the fact that death is extending its arms, pushing fear into our faces and screaming, live?
Some look and some see, some laugh and others believe in magically thinking they will survive simply because. Many of us are learning that our lives are interdependent with every living thing, and we thank Covid for teaching us this.
Larry Winters
New Paltz
Local gyms deserve support
I am sympathetic to the governor’s closing down restaurants and bars at 10 p.m. to stave off another terrible round of Covid. But gyms? As the gyms were enabled to reopen on August 24 and gym members gingerly and cautiously went back, I have had the realization of how necessary our local gyms are.
The local gym I happen to attend is immaculately clean and is never, ever crowded at all, due to computerized attendance limits, mandatory Covid screenings, air purifiers in every space, air circulation, regular disinfection etc. I am never working out next to another person. Anyone in the gym is considerate and we all are aware to wipe equipment and we all wear masks. I am much further away from other people than I am at the supermarket.
Feeling good and energetic is only one reason to attend a gym. Gym attendance improves our immune system. and that is exactly what we all need now. It lifts the emotions and is known to help with depression and anxiety.
I can’t think of another activity which has such purely good effects on us. Actually, the governor has deemed our liquor stores as “essential,” so it’s puzzling and confusing why our local gyms are being put at such risk economically by our governor.
I completely understand having to close a business to prevent Covid spread. But going to a gym is safer than so many other activities right now. Here in Ulster County, our numbers are relatively low…. so as we weigh the risks and rewards of being able to go to a gym, I think the extremely small risks are worth the great rewards.
The local, individually owned gyms in our communities are priceless. If they are allowed to go under and our small upstate towns are left without gyms, we will be poorer for it in terms of our health. With the safeguards in place right now, I would encourage people to return to your local gym. You will be pleasantly surprised how clean and safe it is. And let the governor know that you value and want your local gyms to stay in business.
Ingrid Beer
New Paltz
How it all ends
We’re being told Covid-19 is spiking again and there may be new restrictions, and Biden advisors talk of another possible lockdown. I wonder why anyone listens to recommendations from Dr. Anthony Fauci and the CDC when they’ve been wrong so often. Those most responsible for this disaster are in this order: China, where it was developed and got out of the lab.
Who then said it was from eating bats, wasn’t passed human to human and wasn’t serious. And when they knew this wasn’t true, they still allowed people from the infected area to travel all over the world. Next, most responsible was the World Health Organization, which backed China’s story without checking or listening to the government of Taiwan who warned
China wasn’t telling the truth. Remember the man in charge of the WHO was China’s candidate for the job. In the United States it’s Dr. Antony Fauci and the CDC who bought the story, and by the time they acknowledged how dangerous it was, it was too late because Covid-19 was here.
Then we were told we just needed to lockdown for a few weeks until we flattened the curve. That was the longest few weeks of my life, it seems like eight months. Then only those who were sick or healthcare workers should wear masks, now everybody should wear a mask.
Back before we had the test, only those who sought medical attention were counted. Now with more people testing we find those who have no symptoms. I read today that Elon Musk, the head of Telsa, took four tests in one day and got two positives and two negatives. It makes you wonder about the accuracy of the CDC’s numbers. Further, the CDC says to be effective, the mask should be three layers thick. And by the way, the temperature test you take before entering your doctor’s office isn’t a reliable indicator of whether you have Covid-19.
At this point, I don’t believe anything the CDC says about Covid. Recently, when President Trump said he might fire Dr. Fauci, a lot of people protested. In reality, Dr. Fauci has been wrong so often if he had an ounce of decency, he’d resign following the example of Thomas Andrews. Andrews designed the Titanic, he took responsibility and went down with the ship.
I personally feel the only way this ends is that we get an effective vaccine, we develop a treatment, we acquire herd immunity, or the virus mutates into something less deadly.
John Habersberger
New Paltz
Why the uncrowned veterans?
A great day to remember those among us who gave of ourselves to serve the country, similar to military personnel, giving our all to preserve its Godly entrenched democratic society at home and abroad. But, for me what is absent, and has been, from this day of remembrance is that overwhelming and highly allegiant corps, of the very young at heart, engaged for at least two years as a member of the United States Peace Corps.
As with military assignments, though not to the degree of violence, Corpsmen/women faced a semblance of it internally or were aware of it elsewhere. There were some, sadly, who did not return home alive. Nevertheless, those in the United States Peace Corps sowed a high degree of human concern, caring, giving and love at home and from abroad.
One wonders, given the small script above, why it appears so evident that the word veteran is nondescript for those who served heroically as dedicated members of the United States Peace Corps. Why? I’ve been in the “why” for a while.
Dr. A. J. Williams-Myers
New Paltz