Quarryville radio tower
The Ulster County proposal to construct a 180-foot public safety radio tower on property it owns in Quarryville is causing alarm and resentment in many residents of our little community. The presentation made to the Saugerties Planning Board on October 20 was attended by a large number of residents who expressed the concerns which I am summarizing in this letter.
1) The county has not informed Quarryville residents, much less solicited feedback, about this project. The first official notice received came after the public comment period had closed. This alone should be sufficient for the project plan to go back to square one, particularly if it’s a requirement for compliance with authorization procedures. County methods have been high-handed and are felt as such.
2) Several home/property owners will be negatively impacted in the extreme, both by having this immensely tall tower visible in all or good part where now they enjoy sky and trees. The bright safety lighting that will be necessary will create light pollution year round for these residents. Besides spoiling the pleasure they take in rural living, their property values will be negatively affected. Compensation is not part of the county plan.
3) Towers where this emergency radio signal could be placed already exist nearby, but the county’s “preference” (according to Dennis Doyle, who made the presentation) is to have “sole use” of the facility. Well, the preference of numerous residents in the Quarryville neighborhood is that the signal be located elsewhere! And since we are the body politic from which county government derives its authority, we should have the final say, not county officials.
I hope these county officials will reconsider and relocate this intrusive project. The resentment of government this proposal is causing will only increase if this tower gets built against the wishes of everyone who will be able to see it (including the numerous residents who enjoy walking on the Quarry Road and others besides).
Janet Asiain
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