The Scraptures of Dave Channon will be on display on August 15-16 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Woodstock Art Exchange, located at 1396 Route 28 in Woodstock.
A walk and talk with scrap metal welding artist Dave Channon will be held in the garden of the Exchange.
Channon’s Scraptures “Detroitus,” “Warrior,” “Ostrich,” “Angel” and “Wonder Woman” will on display in front, behind and nestled around the studio.
All are welcome to learn about Channon’s principles of dynamic imbalance, his anti-gravity illusion, origin of inspiration and how these welded steel concoctions of rusted dairy farm relics, flood-deformed guard rails, fossil bones of old Fords, teeth of corroded old railroad ties and other pieces retain their peculiar identity yet coexist peacefully within the whole blissful artistic leap of faith.
To reserve a tour, call (845) 688-2977 or (914) 806-3573.