The New Paltz High School and New Paltz Middle School have joined 1600 schools across the country who have met the requirements of the AntiDefamation League’s (ADL) No Place for Hate® program. In accordance with the school district’s initiatives on racial equity and the New York State Education Department’s continuum of well-being, both schools have been officially designated as “no places for hate” schools.
No Place for Hate’s goal is to create more harmonious communities and classrooms by reducing bias and increasing appreciation for the richness found within diversity.
“This designation is a result of our student body’s ongoing desire to prioritize social justice and equity,” said middle school principal Ann Sheldon. “They have been finding so many different ways to express their ideas about ending racism and biases. The students are concerned and want to be involved. They want to help their fellow classmates understand. They want to be a part of the solution. The banner illustrates their commitment to all that.”
“Each event we had brought our students closer to understanding more about our differences and how to regard them in ourselves and others,” said high school principal Mario Fernandez. The first step is awareness.