The Delaware & Hudson (D&H) Canal Historical Society has launched three video series for the public to learn more about the D&H Canal.
Where is Our Historian? follows staff historian Bill Merchant’s exploration of the remains of the 108-mile D&H Canal from Honesdale, PA to the Rondout in Kingston. The D&H Canal Virtual Museum is a tour that highlights the exhibits in the current museum. You can ask questions every Sunday at 2 p.m. on the D&H Facebook Live show, Sunday Afternoons With Our Historian.
All episodes will be available on demand on the D&H YouTube page.
“We are encouraged by the enthusiastic response to our virtual efforts,” said museum executive director Jack Braunlein. “We will continue adding new content weekly, even after our museum reopens.”
The group has postponed opening the museum and hosting the Sunday flea market until further notice. Updates will be available at