This past July, you may have noticed news articles reporting that, at a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of London, the Earthwatch Institute declared bees to be the most important living beings on Planet Earth. These biologists weren’t the first to make this observation: The statement, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years to live,” has been widely attributed to Albert Einstein. But many bee species are now endangered; recent studies show that almost 90 percent of the bee population has disappeared in the last few years. And 70 percent of the world’s agriculture depends exclusively on bees. One out of every three bites we eat – the growth of almost all our fruits, nuts and vegetables – would be impossible without pollination from bees.
A new documentary film, The Pollinators, tracks the professional beekeepers who transport tens of billions of honeybees back and forth from one end of the US to the other in the dead of night, in a unique annual migration that’s indispensable to the feeding of America. Directed by Peter Nelson and produced by Sally Roy, Peter Nelson and Michael Reuter, The Pollinators presents this fascinating untold story and warns that the bees are in serious danger. Should we be worried? You bet.
The Rosendale Theatre will host a special one-time screening of The Pollinators at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6. Admission costs $10 at the door, plus a $1 additional booking fee if you reserve your spot online in advance at https://tickets.demand.film/event/8957.
The Pollinators, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 7 p.m., $11/$10, Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St. (Rt. 213), Rosendale, https://tickets.demand.film/event/8957