The Saugerties Public Library’s annual budget and trustee vote will take place on Thursday, Sept. 5, in the library’s community room, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. The total proposed 2020 budget comes in at $675,358, $617,796 of which will come from town taxpayers and the rest of which will be raised via library operations, New York State Library Aid, an appropriated fund balance and donations.
The total tax levy increase in the proposed budget is 6.49 percent, or $.0092 per $1,000 of assessed property value; according to library officials, a property with an assessed value of $200,000 would see an increase of $1.85 in 2020, from $63 to $64.85.
For the second time since 2012, library officials said, the state-mandated tax cap has been exceeded in a proposed budget; the library board previously adopted with a supermajority a resolution to override the cap. Unlike school districts which put up budgets exceeding the tax cap, library districts which do so do not need a supermajority at the polls.
According to library officials, the fund balance that’s drawn from to prevent tax levies from exceeding the cap is almost entirely depleted. Library officials also cited the purchase of adjacent properties and investment in capital improvements as factors in its decision.
Two five-year terms currently held by Brian Collins and Myrna Sameth are up for election; Collins is running to maintain his seat on the library board, while Sydnie Grosberg, Jouette Bassler and Theresa Pabon are newcomers vying for positions.