“From what fact or event shall one really date the beginning of spring? The little piping frogs usually furnish a good starting-point.”
– John Burroughs, “A Spring Relish,” Signs and Seasons, 1886
Kick off the Earth Day weekend with a moonlight walk on Friday, April 19 from 8 until approximately 10 p.m. and experience the evening magic of the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary in West Park. Led by Shari Aber of the Adirondack Mountain Club and Catskill 3500 Club, and a Black Creek neighbor, the group will follow safe wide paths and make their way towards Chodikee Lake. Spring peepers, waterfalls and rustlings. What will the moon reveal?
This is a must-register event, limited to 15 participants. Register by e-mail at info@johnburroughsassociation.org. The moonlight walk is a special opportunity but is weather-dependent. The lunar hike leaders will confirm the weather and let you know where to meet and what to bring.
If diurnal activity is more to your liking, report for trail duty at Slabsides’ annual Spring Trail Day the following morning, April 20. Celebrate Earth Day on Saturday by spiffing up the trails to get them ready for the season. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Slabsides entrance on Burroughs Drive and stay as long as you are able. For those who can work into the afternoon, pack a lunch and the group will find a nice spot to picnic. Bring water and work gloves; clippers and a metal rake would also help. For those who would like to pitch in in front of Slabsides, bring tall waterproof boots. If you are on the tree crew, bring your chainsaw and safety equipment. Sign up by e-mailing joan@johnburroughsassociation.org.
The John Burroughs Association brings to life the legacy, writing and natural world of literary naturalist John Burroughs. Visit his rustic cabin Slabsides and hike the trails of the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary, located on Burroughs Drive in West Park. For more information, visit www.johnburroughsassociation.org.